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Got a burning question? Ask Celebrity
Psychic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle
Whitedove. Lifetime TV named her
America’s #1 Psychic on America’s
Psychic Challenge. Her books include:
Ghost Stalker: A Psychic Medium Visits Dearest,
America’s Most Haunted Sites • She Most people are lying in the marriage bed that they helped to
Talks with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s create through actions of their own, settling for poor treat-
Guide into the Spirit World • Angels Are ment, their inaction to make changes and their karmic ties.
Talking: A Psychic Medium Relays Mes- One thing I do know for sure we cannot rescue anyone unless
sages from the Heavens • My Invisible
Friends they are 100% ready to leave their situation. It takes a lot of
courage to leave a relationship and it’s more difficult when
there will be a division of assets and children are involved.
And leaving can look like a monumental task when the person
Dear Whitedove, doesn’t have the funds to get a divorce attorney.
I’m having a great crisis in my life. My wife died unexpect-
edly and we were a two income family. I’m going through real What your friend needs is emotional support from you and her
financial struggles and having to make some difficult decisions. loved ones. You can plant seeds of inspiration, offer insights of
I’m grieving and depressed with only God to turn to. Can you a different way of life, help her decide where she can move
tell me will I be able to survive this awful time? to, but ultimately she needs to want to make lasting changes.
As you know, many people return to unhealthy relationships,
Dearest, they rationalize bad behavior, they don’t want to give their
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved and I understand this mate fifty percent of their assets, or they fear the unknown:
time of upheaval is extremely difficult. Although it’s impor- will my life be worse if I leave? Stay supportive and ask her
tant for you to know that crisis is a pathway to evolution. Most what changes she is willing to make? Break ups are difficult
souls only recognize this in hindsight many years after their because it’s not over until the heart say’s it’s over.
time of tribulation. Catastrophe is actively breaking down of
the old because a new chapter of life is emerging. Birthing a
new reality is painful because there is loss which is beyond High Springs Emporium
our control especially when we are shedding aspects that no
longer serve our evolution such as our material possessions, a
job, or a mate. Remember crisis leads to discovery as we are North Central Florida’s ONLY Rock Shop
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Grief and mourning are natural but depression is something
to veer away from. Great Spirit suggests to work through LOVE IS ALL AROUND US
the grief with prayer, meditation, high vibrational music and
call upon God and your Guardian Angels for support. Throw Valentine Celebration
yourself into something important – your career or a spiritual and Sale February 9
calling. Stay productive and keep moving forward with the Free BioMat Sessions
important decisions ahead of you. Be sure to ask Great Spirit Champagne and Chocolate
for guidance and signs along the way. All jewelry 30% off!
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It’s unfortunate that human souls learn and grow the most out Gemstone Hearts 20% off!
of hardships and tragedy. Now is the time to be brave and let
go of the old you. This crisis is your opportunity to say yes Nicholas Pearson book
to the Universe and actively participate in co-creating your signing February 23
emerging new reality. You are like a caterpillar going into its Stones of the Goddess will be available.
cocoon and as this transformation occurs, you will be emerging
into a new life and you will learn to fly. New stones from the
Tucson show are coming!
Dear Whitedove,
I am back in touch with my high school sweetheart. She OPEN Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm and Sunday noon-5 pm
contacted me to let me know that she is in an awful marriage 19765 NW US Highway 441• High Springs, FL 32643
and is considering leaving. Yet she doesn’t. I feel like I need to
rescue her from a bad situation. What do you think? 386-454-8657
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