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                                THE GIFTS OF ONE SPIRIT MEDICINE

                                Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., is a medical anthropologist who comes from a long line of Earth-
                                keepers from the Amazon and the Andes. The author of numerous best-selling books, Dr.
                                Villoldo currently directs The Four Winds Society in Park City, UT, where he trains people
                                in the practice of energy medicine and soul retrieval.
                                his excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Grow a New Body: How Spirit
                                and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health by Alberto Villoldo, published by
                                Hay House (March 12, 2019). It can be found online at Hay House, Amazon, and other
                                major booksellers worldwide. For more information and to order a copy of book, visit:

            We need to bring our connection to Spirit and        This brain helped us to survive the Ice Age and is obsessed
            natural forces back into the healing equation.       with having food and sex; it craves alcohol and drugs and is
            To find peace within ourselves and live harmoniously with all   biased toward aggression, emotional withdrawal, and self-
            beings on the planet, we must go back to the primarily plant-  preservation. When we cut off its supply of sugars, its instincts
            based diet of our ancient ancestors and their way of experi-  can be overridden by the neocortex, the “new” brain, which
            encing the Oneness of the cosmos. To achieve this, we need to   allows us to learn, create, and envision new futures. The
            upgrade our neural circuitry.                        neocortex is programmed for beauty, whether it’s found in a
                                                                 Mozart concerto or an  elegant  mathematical  solution.
            The Limbic Brain and Neural Networks for Fear
                                                                 The new brain needs ketones to override the programs of the
            When the mind is behaving tyrannically, it’s running ancient   more ancient limbic brain. On a carbohydrate diet, it sputters
            programs belonging to the limbic brain that focus on survival,   along, coughing up the occasional creative revelation but no
            and the primary emotion is fear. When we’re in its grip, we   lasting insights.
            see danger everywhere. The programs of the limbic brain are
            known as the Four Fs:feeding, fighting, fear, fornicating.   The limbic brain, driven by pleasure seeking and emotional
            The limbic brain craves sweet comfort foods when you are   drama, does not thrive on spiritual experiences. The limbic
            feeling sad or insecure. Feed it sugar and this brain keeps   brain evolved while we were sitting quietly by the river’s edge
            operating at a dull level of awareness that does not lead to an
            experience of Oneness.                                               ...continued on page 27

              Dance To Heal The Earth Florida 2019

                “Dancing is prayer. Some say that all is dance. Maybe. Now there’s a big dance
                coming, dance to heal the earth. If you’re reading this, you’re probably part of it.   A Joyous Celebration of dance music
                 Soon this dance will be done in a big way, in the old way, on sacred ground.”
                                                                 and ceremony in honor of ourselves
                             ~Cherokee Elder Dee Smith
                                                                    and our Mother Earth connection

                                                                           In Lake City, FL April 9th – 14th
                                                                        You can come dance or be a supporter for the dancer.
                                                                                            Dancers dance for two days.
                                                                                            Dancer love donation is $300
                                                                              Supporter for the Dancer love donation is $150
                                                                                       Fee covers camping and all meals.
                                                                                           Never a charge for ceremony.
               Grandmother Robin Youngblood,  Former Native American elder   321-522-7498  Email
               at the United Nations and Standing Rock. She travels the world sharing
               indigenous teaching, sustainability and co-creation of a healthy world.
               Bert Gunn, MSW, ACSW, is a clinical social worker on the Red Road
               path over 30 years. He carries the teachings of Tolteka-Mexica Elder
               Tiakaelel with his permission and other indigenous elders around the   Grandmother Robin Youngblood
               world. He is also an editor, writer and publisher of indigenous teachings.  Grandfather Bert Gunn

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