Page 14 - 2-19-Issue
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FROM THE HEART The pain is just a chapter, not the conclusion. When Jesus
dictated A Course in Miracles to Dr. Helen Schucman, he
told her, “Midterm marks are not entered on the permanent
Alan Cohen is the bestselling author of the record.” It is likewise said, “The record books do not show the
newly-released Spirit Means Business, illuminat- score at halftime.”
ing how you can succeed with money and career
without selling your soul. Become a certified Because love is our nature and destiny, eventually everything
professional life coach through Alan’s transfor- will be healed. “Nature bats last” does not apply only to the
mational Life Coach Training beginning Septem- physical world. Our spiritual nature has the final say. Yet we
ber 1. For more info visit
tend to be fooled by appearances, which often indicate sepa-
A HAPPY OUTCOME IS ASSURED ration, lack, and brokenness. But appearances generally run
contrary to reality. A Course in Miracles also tells us, “Only
the creations of light are real.”
Can you imagine being an adopted child re-
united with your birth mother after 60 years? But what if someone with whom you have enmity dies, or
My friend Diane signed up for a genealogy research service, leaves you, or you have lost touch with this person and you
did a DNA test, and found that she had a cousin unknown to will never see them again? How in such a situation can a happy
her family. Diane contacted Sherry, who confirmed that she outcome be assured? The answer lies in the truth that our real
had been adopted and, through previous inquiry, knew that nature is spiritual. Geography or even the end of the body
her mother’s name was Marcia. Diane’s aunt is Marcia, which does not stop our relationship. True relationship is not of the
sealed the match. Deeper inquiry into secret family history body; it is of the soul. It matters less what the bodies are do-
revealed that Marcia had a child out of wedlock 60 years ago ing, and more what spirits are doing. You can be living in the
and gave her up for adoption. She later married and had sev- same house with someone, sleeping in the same bed, and have
eral children, but never told her husband, children, or other no real relationship. You can also be physical separated, with
family members about her older daughter. an ocean between you, but if there is love, you are together.
Diane invited Sherry to come and meet her long-lost cousins. If someone has passed away or left your life, you can connect
When Sherry arrived at her cousin’s home, she found a sign with them in spirit. In prayer or meditation, call this person to
posted on the door: Welcome home, Sherry. Consider Sherry’s you and speak to their soul. Their reality does not depend on
relief and reward to finally be reunited with her family, for what their body is doing. Say what you would say to them if
whom she had searched for 60 years. The stage was set for a they were sitting in front of you and they fully received your
joyfully tearful weekend. communication. You will find that your connection with this
person has not been severed by the absence of their body. Real
Before long, knowledge of Sherry’s family membership got communication is not of the body, but the spirit.
around the clan. While Marcia initially denied the birth, her
children convinced her to meet Sherry. You can imagine the Many years ago a friend become upset and stopped speaking to
intensity of that meeting. When Marcia held her daughter in me. I regretted the loss of our friendship. Yet over the years
her arms, she wept and said, “I should have kept you.” After I have had many dreams of him, in which we are together,
many years of angst in the hearts of mother and daughter, the laughing, hugging, enjoying each other’s company. In my heart
saga had a happy ending. we are still connected. Our relationship is very much alive in
spirit. It is only on the physical or personality level that there
A Course in Miracles urges us to remember, “A happy outcome seems to be separation. Meanwhile only union exists.
to all things is sure.” What a powerful affirmation to hold in
mind when things seem to be going wrong! We all struggle If you look back on all the things you worried about in your
with some relationships, and wonder if they will ever be re- life, you will realize that very few of them turned out as you
solved. Take heart. Somehow, some when, they will. worried they would. Usually things resolve themselves natu-
rally. Even if some of your worries came true, they provided
you with valuable life lessons that helped you grow, and they
Spiritual Services with too were resolved. Why, then, would you think that your
current worry is any more justified than your past worries?
Laura Beers The ego tries to convince us that our current situation is an
exception to Universal truth. It is not. The same love that has
Mediumship Gallery Pt. St. Lucie 2/9 always guided and taken care of you, will continue. The grace
Melbourne Readings & Coaching 2/16 that has upheld you will not stop now. “Surely goodness and
Spiritual Development Coaching mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. . .”
Psychic Medium,
Spiritual Certified Coach, February is Valentine’s month, when we celebrate loving
Motivational Speaker, Ordained Minister relationships. While we tend to focus the holiday on romantic
In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel relationships, all relationships are holy and important. Let us
321-751-4766 By appointment use this month to create happy outcomes, and know with deep certainty that one day only love will remain.
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