Page 16 - Horizons-February2018
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                                     AN ANIMAL COMMUNICATION EXPERT GIVES YOU
                                         A SNEAK PEAK INTO THE MIND OF YOUR PET

                             Sonya Fitzpatrick is an animal communicator
                             and author of There Are No Sad Dogs in Heaven;   THEY USUALLY HAVE A REASON FOR ACTING OUT
                             The Pet Psychic; and The Secrets of Communi-  In addition to stress, other changes and frustrations can cause
                             cating with Your Cat. She hosts Animal Intuition   your pet to misbehave—like if you swapped their bed for a
                             on Sirius-XM Sundays from 5pm-7pm ET. Her tv   new one or if you started using a harsh cleanser in the house.
                             series The Pet Psychic aired for 2 seasons on   People don’t realize they use these terrible chemical cleaners
                             Animal Planet. Visit  in the house, and the animals smell things we don’t even smell
                                                                 To avoid upsetting or even hurting your pet, I suggest switching
                             YOU ALREADY COMMUNICATE             to all natural cleaning products.
                             WITH YOUR PET
            We’re not just talking about telling them to sit, stay, or go   Other things that can set them off include bringing another pet
            outside. Animals are constantly picking up on our emotions,   into the house, not giving them enough exercise, or starting to
            feelings, and energies. My suggestion: Visualize what you want   work longer hours. Any of these changes can prompt your pet
            to communicate to your animal or how you wish they would   to respond—maybe even by wrecking your brand new heels.
            behave, because they’re particularly sensitive to this kind of   While they don’t do these things vindictively, it’s often the
            message. Another tactic, When you say something verbally,   only way they can communicate that they’re frustrated.
            always match your feeling with whatever you are telling them,
            says Fitzpatrick. For instance, stay calm when telling a pet   THEY MOURN THE LOSS OF A PET JUST LIKE YOU DO
            that you’ll be back from the store soon.             When it comes to the death of an animal, other pets in the
                                                                 household need to mourn too. Animals can still sense a de-
 Dr Joe Dispenza on Creating Each Day  THEY REACT TO YOUR STRESS  parted pet after they’re gone. They don’t understand and they
            Many times clients will come to me when a pet starts acting   get upset because they can feel and sense them but can’t see
 “So, if we’re consciously designing our destiny, if we’re   strange, like when a cat decides to ditch the litter box. I’ll ask   the physical body. To help the household heal, leave the dog or
 consciously, from a spiritual standpoint, throwing in the   the cat why, and it can often be an emotional problem. Some-  cat’s bed in the house for a few weeks after they’ve passed, as
 idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect   thing has happened or you’re not getting on well with your   the scent will help the other animals to grieve.
 our life, because reality equals life…, then, I have   husband, and the only way they can tell you they’re disturbed
 this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say   is by peeing outside of the box. So if your pet randomly starts   THEY KNOW WHEN THEY’RE IN GOOD HANDS
 to myself, I’m taking this time to create my day, and   misbehaving, it could just be their way of telling you that they   Wondering if your pet knows the extent of your obsession
 I’m infecting the Quantum Field. Now, if it is in fact   know something is up.  (That said, peeing outside the litter   with them? Chances are that they do.  All animals know when
 [infecting my/the energy feld], the Observer’s watching   box can be a sign that your pet has bladder issues—it’s worth   they’re with people who love them.  Yes, even an especially
 me the whole time that I’m doing this, and there is a   also taking the kitty to the vet to get checked out, just in   unaffectionate cat. Pets have distinct personalities and moods
 spiritual aspect to myself. Then, show me a sign today,   case.)  just like we do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you.
 that you paid attention to any one of these things that I
 created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect.”
 ~ Dr Joe Dispenza, featured expert, People v. The State
 of Illusion     At
              Angels       Angels   Oasis

             you’ll find
                                    Crystal Heart Healing
                                    with Nicholas Pearson              Thursday Experiential Class
            • Angel Themed Gifts,   Feb 11th 4pm                       7pm $10                       Morgana Starr
            Books, and Framed Pics                                                                     Daena Deva
                                                                       Feb 8th-Soul Mate Love
            • Archangel Essential Oils  Feb 18th-Sacred Geometry/      Feb 22nd-Partnering with Crystals
            • Readings (Mediumship, Spiritual  Merkaba Activation
            Guidance, Meet Your Guardian,   4-6pm
            Psychic, Past Lives, Crystal,                          Readers Available       Hypnotherapy Wednesdays by appt
                                               Hypnotic Stress Relief    DAILY
            • Classes (Reiki, Spiritual        with Nancy/Nanga-Mai                        Reiki Treatments and Attunements
            Development, Angelic Arts)         Feb 25th 4pm        Walk ins welcome                       Available by appt
                      Come join us in The Angelic Movement and visit us at Angels Oasis in the Threadneedle Mall
              321-506-1143       404 Brevard Avenue in Historic Cocoa Village. FL 32922

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