Page 21 - Horizons-February2018
P. 21

RITUAL, CEREMONY                                            Alternative Choices Natural,
                                     AND TRANCE                                           Organic Dried Herbs and Spices,
                                                                                             Essential Oils And More
                                                                                 Your Health Matters To Us!
                                                                         A Branch of Leaves & Roots
                                   ...continued from page 20...           460 N. Ronald Reagan Blvd  321-422-0815
                                                                            Longwood, FL 32750

            the world of form, our bodies, and allows us the time to give
            thanks and our offerings and bring closure to the whole experi-

            There are personal rituals, collective group rituals and trance-
            inducing rituals. Personal ritual is done for one’s own purpose                       Explore the Psychic
            and experience. It may be created spontaneously from the                                 and Spiritual
            heart and direction of Spirit or it may incorporate a more                             Universe with us!
            traditional and formal series of practices. Collective or group                         Metaphysical
            ritual usually has an agreed upon tradition or practice of some                        speakers, healers,
            sort that the group will follow. Group ritual is a powerful                            teachers, more.
            experience as one’s individual energies merge into the col-                             Psychic fairs.
            lective and the frequency of the group’s energy exponentially                           We meet in the Band
            raises and expands. The raised energy is so powerful that   321-474-7348                Room behind the
            when directed by group intent, focused in one direction, it has   Email  Melbourne Auditorium
            profound potential for effecting creative manifestation, heal-  $3 fee  SUNDAYS 7 - 8:45pm    at 1924 Melody Lane,
                                                                                                   Melbourne, FL 32901
            ing and intedimensional travel. The larger the group the more
            powerful the energy that group can direct with intention. A
            ritual will not contain a trance induction if the intent does not
            include shifting consciousness by raising the vibration of the
            participants energy fields.
            All of life is energy and through this energy we transmit, re-
            ceive and connect. So imagine that individuals are transmitters
            and receivers, and just as a television receives channels on
            various wavelengths so do we. Think of our daily state of con-
            sciousness as airing on Channel 4, and other dimensions as air-
            ing on other channels. If your receiver only gets the frequency
            of Channel 4 then your experience and your life is limited to
            that channel. Through various methods, trance ritual is one,
            we raise our vibration and frequency making more dimensional
            channels available to our energetic receivers. We transcend
            the limited channels of mind, thoughts and emotions and now
            see with our expanded inner eye.

            Our ability to perceive and experience other dimensions, other
            aspects of spirit realms is then possible. Non –embodied beings
            become visible and traveling between dimensions becomes a
            reality on these expanded frequencies. Shape shifting oc-
            curs in this state, where we merge with the spirits of animals   As your life becomes more aligned with Creator and you walk
            and other forms and have access to the energetic Universal   more firmly on your own sacred path you will begin to see how
            imprint, of all that was and all that will be, as we access our   ceremony and ritual become of part of all that you do. It will
            own cellular memory and the Akashic level. The elements,   emerge easily from within you in such simple ways. You may
            seasons, directions, sacred symbols and sacred geometry take   seek to find a tradition that speaks to your soul and walk that
            on deeper meaning as our ability to perceive symbolic levels   path and explore it’s ritual practices, or you may have a more
            expands. This state of consciousness and alignment with Spirit   solitary walk and ritual may remain a personal and private
            and Natural Law is the intent of most ritual. In this state of   matter. No matter what path you walk, when you are on Spirits
            awareness not only can we move between the worlds, but also   path life will be your ceremony and how you live it will be your
            we have greater abilities of healing and manifesting creatively   most powerful ritual.
            in the word of form.

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