Page 17 - Horizons-February2018
P. 17

ABRAHAM FUN                                                       Jacksonville, FL 32210   ROCK SHOP,
                                                                                  1951 Stimson St.
                                                                                                        HERBS, OILS,
                           Karen Money Williams is a longtime student of       (904) 389-3690           BOOKS, TAROT,
                           the Abraham-Hicks perspective, and she and          MORE
                           Mark hold Abraham discussion meetings in their
                           home in Winter Springs, FL. Join “Abraham Fun”      Open Wed - Sunday 10am - 6pm    Closed Monday & Tuesday
                           group on FB and like her FB page, “Soulsongs
                           by Karen Money Williams.”  Email karen@
                                                                  Native American & Metaphysical Stuff Store
                         SOULSONG #351                            Readings, Crystals, Jewelry, Incense, Smudge
            AND THEY DON’T EVEN CHARGE!                           The Purple Rose Trading Co.
                                                                  Rev. Tina, Owner
                                                                  P.O. Box 275 • 1079 Stevens St. Cassadaga, FL 32706
                                                                  (386) 228-3315
            Changing  my  thought  patterns  can seem  daunting.
            I know that Law  of Attraction  is orchestrating
            circumstances according to my  mental  focus.  I
            know that thoughts that feel good, such as appreciation and
            optimism,  are  good for  me  while  thoughts  that  feel  bad  -   Rev. Andy Conyer
            such as blame, worry, resentment, self-pity - are bad for me.
            Nonetheless, I still sometimes find that my “buttons” are being
            pushed, perhaps intensely.                               UNITY LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTRE 863-471-1122
                                                                     10417 S. Orange Blossom Blvd, Sebring, FL 33875
            That’s OK - this is a gradual process, and the fact that I now   Email
            know  about  Law  of Attraction  gives  me  a  giant  “leg-up”  in
            ushering in my dreams. And an immense array of unseen help
            is standing by to assist me embrace well-being.
                                                                                   Crow’s Crossroads Shoppe
            I take time to relax deeply in a quiet place and envision myself           Aurora Collins Owner/Psychic Consultant
            in a tranquil  setting  with  angelic  beings,  perhaps,  or  the          Readings, Classes,  Aura Readings
            golden light of Source all around. I communicate the areas in               Tarot, Crystals, Herbs, Jewelry
            which I desire assistance, including shifting my mental focus. I                 3810 SE Lake Weir Ave, Ocala, FL 34480
            then sit/lie passive and receptive for as long as it feels good,   352-235-0558                      Email
            allowing my helper(s) to do whatever needs to be done in my
            mind, body, and circumstances to make things easier.
            I  return  to  this  serene  setting  regularly  to  do nothing  but
            receive, and I start to sense new ease and flow in all areas of   Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
            life.                                                             Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
                                                                           Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
                                                                            954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
                                                                             Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice

              Spiritual Services with                              SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne
              Laura Beers      EVENING OF SPIRIT
                                 Nature's Healthy Harvest           Spiritualism +   We Welcome All To
                                 Fri. 2/9  7-9 PM                    Mediumship     Sunday 10 AM services
                               $35/door $25/pre-paid                 Classes $5
                                 Psychic Medium,                     $10 others     1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
                                Motivational Speaker,                                 Spirit Messages - Healing Service
                              Spiritual Certified Coach, Or-         1st and 3rd     Guest Speakers • Private Readings
                                  dained Minister
                             In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel  Thursdays   $15/15 minutes after Services
                                                                     6:30-8:30 pm           321-419-6262
                              321-751-4766 By appointment
                                                                       Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne

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