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QUIETING THE                                                       Reverend Robyn Stevens

                                MONKEY                                                                                    Card & Spirit Readings

                            How to Meditate with Music                             Crow’s Crossroads Shoppe
                                                                                       Aurora Collins Owner/Psychic Consultant
                            Dudley and Dean                                            Readings, Classes,  Aura Readings
                            Evenson are sound                                            Tarot, Crystals, Herbs, Jewelry
                            healing pioneers who
            have been practicing yoga and meditation               352-235-0558              3810 SE Lake Weir Ave, Ocala, FL 34480
            for five decades. Their popular, award-win-
            ning music has reached millions of listeners
            and is available on streaming services
            worldwide. Quieting the Monkey Mind: How
            to Meditate with Music is their first book.
            Learn more at                       SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne
            WHAT IS MEDITATION & WHY PRACTICE IT?                   Spiritualism +   We Welcome All To
                                                                     Mediumship     Sunday 10 AM services
                                                                     Classes $5
            We can’t always control what goes on around us, but we can   $10 others
            learn to control how we react to and internalize what happens           1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
            in our outer world. Meditation can have immense benefits for   1st and 3rd   Spirit Messages - Healing Service
            our spiritual and physical wellbeing. Meditation is much more            Guest Speakers • Private Readings
            than a relaxation technique, although it does contribute con-  Thursdays   $15/15 minutes after Services
            siderably to relaxation and stress reduction. It can be an inner   6:30-8:30 pm  321-419-6262
            training of mental processes in order to attain a calm state of
            centered balance, awareness, and spiritual expansiveness.         
                                                                       Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne
            What Is Your Goal in Sitting Quietly for Minutes or
            Hours on End Contemplating Your Inner Universe?

            For as many people as there are in the world, there are prob-  3 SIMPLE STRESS-BUSTING STEPS
            ably as many different motivations for pursuing a meditation   Even though meditation isn’t just about relaxation, it can still
            practice. In spite of the subtleties of apparent contradictions,   be one of the most effective tools we have to help us deal with
            there are several intentions and qualities that people who   life’s challenges. Modern lifestyles have caused a new kind of
            practice meditation have in common. Here are some that we   stress that our forebears didn’t know because of the busy lives
            have identified:                                     most of us live. While our ancestors may have gotten an adren-
                                                                 aline rush from being chased by a wild animal, our demons are
            • Meditators want to find more inner peace in their lives.  often the ones we are chasing in our own minds. Stress comes
            • Meditators are striving to continually become better people   in many forms. It could be a relationship conflict in the family
            and are seeking answers for how to accomplish that.  or at work, worry about paying the bills, or other things. In any
            • Meditators have an innate sense of compassion for the world   case, how we deal with it is up to us.
            that resonates within their soul.
            • Meditators are striving to have a connection with something   Here are three simple ways to help relax:
            greater than themselves, a higher spiritual power.   • Conscious Breathing
                                                                 • Focused Movement
            For us personally, meditation has provided a training ground   • Resting in Stillness
            for mental discipline that allows us to keep worry and negativ-
            ity at bay. As we develop a meditation practice, we find that   As musicians, we have been especially interested in explor-
            things which may have bothered us in the past no longer hold   ing how music and sound can help the meditation process. All
            sway over our emotions. We feel lighter and happier, and we   cultures on every part of the planet, from ancient times to
            are better able to cope with stressful situations in our lives.   this day, have used music in some way to lift the spirit and to
            Thus, the effect of the meditation experience extends far be-  enhance the meditation and healing process.
            yond the short time we may spend sitting quietly and can help
            us to live a more complete and fulfilled life.
                                                                                      ...continued on page 21...

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