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FROM THE HEART                                       needs no newness because it is eternally whole. The part of
                                                                 you that seeks change is not the part that will be fulfilled.
                                                                 What needs to change is to gain the awareness that you don’t
                                                                 need to change. I told you this paradox is juicy!
                           Alan Cohen is the author of the soon-released
                           Spirit Means Business, illuminating how to suc-
                           ceed with money and career without selling your   A Course in Miracles tells us, “Seek not to change the world,
                           soul. Become a certified professional life coach   but seek instead to change your mind about the world.”  If you
                           through Alan’s transformational Life Coach Train-  attempt to change your circumstances without changing  your
                           ing beginning February 1. For info, visit   mind, nothing will change. Change your mind, and everything
                                     around you will change. The world is not a cause. It is an ef-
                                                                 fect. Edgar Cayce said, “Mind is the builder.”
                    NOTHING NEW UNDER THE YEAR
                                                                 Time is a blank screen upon which we project our conscious-
            As we enter the New Year, we all hope this year will   ness and play out our intentions. Any demarcations we make
            be better than the last one, and new and wonderful   in time come only from our beliefs about it and what we wish
            things will come to us. We seek to improve our worldly   to use it for. Most people in western culture made a big deal
            situations and become better people. But what if the most   about the advent of the year 2000. Meanwhile that same year
            wonderful thing that could happen would be to realize that   was the year 5760 on the Hebrew calendar, 4697 in China, and
            we live in a universe absolutely and eternally dedicated to our   1420 in the Islamic religion. What year was it really?  The year
            well-being?                                          lives in our minds more than we live in the year. Buckminster
                                                                 Fuller said, “Human beings are the only creatures who tell
            While listening to a classical music radio station, I heard the   time and think they have to earn a living.” Whatever we think
            show’s host announce a cantata by J.S. Bach entitled, “The   time is, is a story we made up. Nothing happens because of
            Spirit Soothes our Weakness.”  I was struck by the title, as   time. Everything happens because of the thoughts we apply to
            appropriate today as it was 300 years ago when Bach com-  it. The only purpose of time is to learn to use it wisely.
            posed the piece.  Even while Bach’s world was radically dif-
            ferent than ours, the issues he dealt with were the same. He,   If we are going to make something of the new year, let’s use
            too, was plagued by the insistence of the deluded self, and   it to discover ourselves rather than find new and more com-
            he, too, recognized the empowerment of a spirit-guided life.   plicated ways to forget ourselves. Rather than moving more
            In that awakening the apparent chasm of time dissolves and   pieces around the chess board of your activities, rise above
            we are joined.                                       the board so you can see it from a higher perspective. Use the
                                                                 year to make up a new story rather than continuing old stories
            King Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”   that lead nowhere. A mythology expert identified 11 plot
            The more I explore what appears to be new and different, the   categories into which all stories fit. That’s it. So it is with life.
            more I realize that, while the world goes through constant   We just keep repeating the same stories over and over again,
            change,  truth is impeccably reliable. What works always   with minor variations that make them seem different, while
            works and what doesn’t work never works. All else is detail.   they are not.
            It is not the parade of events that makes evolution, but the
            upgrade of consciousness. If there is any evolution, it is the   There are two kinds of evolution: horizontal and vertical. Hori-
            awakening to the presence and power of a kindly reality that   zontal evolution just keeps playing out the ego’s beliefs and
            far transcends worldly events.                       reinforcing its fearful world in more complex forms. Cave men
                                                                 stockpiled rocks to throw at invaders. We stockpile nuclear
            Here we come to the juiciest of paradoxes: To become new,   weapons. Just more and bigger expressions of the same men-
            we must recognize that we never change. Healing comes in   tality. Just because technology advances does not mean we are
            claiming our inherent eternality. The personality seeks to gain   progressing. Seven billion people thumbing smartphones does
            newness by manipulating people, things, and events. The soul   not necessarily indicate an advanced society. What people say
                                                                 on their smartphones demonstrates evolution or its absence.
             Spiritual Services with                             Vertical evolution is measured by the level of consciousness
             Laura Beers                                         with which we use our tools and toys. The only real evolution

                           Individual/Group Messages             is self-knowledge, awakening to the you that never needed to
                           from the Other Side                   evolve because you were created perfect by God. The outer
                           Spiritual Development Coaching        world is a set of props laid out according to  the mind we are
                                                                 using . If you are going to make the new year new, recognize
                           Psychic Medium,                       that time has no power over your life, but you have power
                           Motivational Speaker,                 over time by recognizing you live beyond it. Pray not for new
                           Spiritual Certified Coach, Ordained Minister  things to happen, but for a new consciousness. St. Paul said,
                             In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel  “Be renewed by the renewing of the mind.”
                                                                    I wish  you the best year of your life because it is the one in
                             321-751-4766 By appointment         which you escape time and claim your eternal self. In this mo-
                                    ment you are new because the real you lives beyond time, and
                                                                 you have no age, history, or future. You just are.
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