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                                THE GIFTS OF ONE SPIRIT MEDICINE

                                Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., is a medical anthropologist who comes from a long line of Earth-
                                keepers from the Amazon and the Andes. The author of numerous best-selling books, Dr.
                                Villoldo currently directs The Four Winds Society in Park City, UT, where he trains people
                                in the practice of energy medicine and soul retrieval.
                                his excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Grow a New Body: How Spirit
                                and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health by Alberto Villoldo, published by
                                Hay House (March 12, 2019). It can be found online at Hay House, Amazon, and other
                                major booksellers worldwide. For more information and to order a copy of book, visit:

            You can grow a new body. You know you can, be-       At the time of this incident, everything was going well for me.
            cause you have already grown a body once before.     Professionally I was at the top of my game. Just when it looked
            Ten fingers, ten toes, all of the exquisite beauty of   as if life couldn’t get any better, I was stopped in my tracks.
            your physique grew from an egg and a sperm follow-   Suddenly I was in a fight for survival that called on everything
            ing careful instructions. And to grow a new body, all   I’d learned in 30 years of studying with some of the world’s
                                                                 most gifted healers. You see, I am trained in neuroscience but I
            you have to do is break in to the password-protected   am also a shaman, initiated in the healing ways of the indig-
            regions of your DNA to switch on these same codes.   enous peoples I studied in the jungles and mountains of South
            I know this is possible because I did it.
                                                                 While I was in Mexico as a keynote speaker at a conference on
            You see, I had no choice.                            science and consciousness, without warning I found I couldn’t
                                                                 walk 100 feet without collapsing in exhaustion. Friends
                                                                 chalked it up to my crazy travel schedule, but I knew some-
                                                                 thing was terribly wrong.

                                                                 A few days before the trip I had gone for a head-to-toe check-
                                                                 up. My heart and liver were close to collapse, the doctors said,
                                                                 and my brain was riddled with parasites. When I heard the
                                                                 words, “It’s your brain, Dr. Villoldo,” I sank into despair. The
                                                                 irony was I had just published a book entitled Power Up Your
                                                                 Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment. The doctors ad-
                                                                 vised me to get my name on a liver transplant list. Maybe my
                                                                 heart would recover, but where was I going to find a healthy
                                                                 I knew I had to go to the jungle. Otherwise I would be looking
                                                                 for my medicine in the wrong place. Now I am with the woman
                                                                 I love, returning to the garden where I first found my spiritual
                                                                 path. In the Amazon, the shamans welcomed me lovingly.
                                                                 These men and women were friends who had known me for
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