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ABRAHAM FUN                                          

                                                                                                  Explore the Psychic
                                                                                                     and Spiritual
                             Karen Money Williams is a longtime                                    Universe with us!
                             student of the Abraham-Hicks                                           Metaphysical
                             perspective, and she and Mark hold                                    speakers, healers,
                             Abraham discussion meetings in their                                  teachers, more.
                             home in Winter Springs, FL. Join                                       Psychic fairs.
                             “Abraham Fun” group on FB and like
                             her FB page, “Soulsongs by Karen     321-474-7348                      We meet in the Band
                                                                                                     Room behind the
                             Money Williams.”  Email karen@       Email      Melbourne Auditorium
                                                                   at 1924 Melody Lane,
                                                                  $3 fee  SUNDAYS 7 - 8:45pm       Melbourne, FL 32901
                            Soulsong #223
                     A Delivery Van Named Desire

                When I experience a desire for anything -
                anything - the Universe wets its pencil, takes
                some notes, and swings into action, lining
                up circumstances so that my desire and I will
                meet. This principle applies whether I desire
                a parking space or a ride in space, a lifesaver
                or a life partner.

                The trick is to stay fairly consistently in a mental/  Experience This Peaceful Community Where Certified
                emotional state that allows the desire to find me.       Mediums And Healers Are Available Daily
                I will hinder the process if I’m frustrated that it            • Classes & Workshops     • Special Events
                isn’t here yet, if I’m envious that other people have          • Historic Tours                   • Readings by Certified Mediums
                manifested it but I haven’t, if I’m worried it will            • Spirit Encounter Tours    • Certified Spiritual Healers
                never come, or if I’m angry or disappointed over life
                without it.                                                Wednesday Message Service, Colby Temple 7pm
                                                                           Sunday Adult Lyceum, Davis Bldg 9:30-10:15am
                                                                           Sunday Message Service, Davis Bldg 12:30-1:30pm
                I will speed up the process by savoring the thought
                of having it and by noticing how wonderful life is         Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Bookstore
                right now, even without my desire.                                 & Welcome Center
                                                                     Largest Selection of Books of Spiritualism, Metaphysics and Meditation
                Even without my desire. When I reach the point of    CD’s • DVD’s • Crystals • Jewelry • Candles • Unique Gifts and Crafts
                satisfaction and gratitude for life as it is right now,   Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm   Sunday 11:30am - 5pm
                even before my desire has arrived, I can rest assured
                that the delivery van is about to round the corner   Camp Booksore 386-228-2880 • Camp Office 386-228-3171
                                                                      10% off
                and head down my street.                              with this   1112 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706


            • READINGS
            Spiritual Guidance,  Angels   Oasis
            Mediumship, Psychic,
            Meet Your Guardian Angel,
            Past Lives, Crystal, Tarot
            • CLASSES
            Reiki, Angelic Arts,   Reiki Circle Jan 1st at 6pm  Womens Circle (find your Tribe!) Jan 8th
            & Spiritual Development
                                Psychic Development Classes
            • Crystal, Tarot/Oracle   January 16th & 30th       Womens Circle with Alexandra, Russian   Daena Deva • Morgana Starr
            Cards, Incense, Candles,   Certification in the Angelic Arts  Shaman, Intro to the Munay-ki Rites
            Books & More        Predictions for 2019: Jan 4th   Jan 22nd                          Readers Available DAILY
                                                                                                    Walk ins welcome
               321-506-1143       402 Brevard Avenue in Historic Cocoa Village. FL 32922

                 Horizons Magazine by mail  $28/12 issues  Read online at   Page 17
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