Page 9 - 1-19-Issue
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lotsa of hicks articles here see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
AbrahamHicks trascriptions here
also here on FB
ABRAHAM-HICKS Rev. Andy Conyer
Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers, UNITY LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTRE 863-471-1122
speaking their broader perspective through 10417 S. Orange Blossom Blvd, Sebring, FL 33875
Esther Hicks. Author of Ask & It Is Given, Email
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The
Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,
You get what you expect, have you noticed that?
You expect to survive, and so you do. You expect to
have a roof over your head, and so you do. You expect to live
alright, and so you do. But you don’t expect extraordinary
things, so they don’t come. You don’t expect magnificent
money to flow into your experience, and so it cannot get in. SOLUTIONS OF CASSADAGA
The only thing that comes to you is what you are expecting to Psychic Mediums Carol & David offer intuitive
come to you. & supportive readings.
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And so, how have you been programmed to expect? You expect Also classes, regression & hypnosis
to decline as you age: You expect to lose your memory, you 386-320-2696
expect to lose your hair, you expect to lose your teeth. Do you
see what we are saying? And so, as you expect, your body just
follows the orders. Just as you say I want to stand up and you
do, your body does everything that you expect it to do. The Crystals, Books,
Universe responds purely to your expectation. And so every- Tarot Decks,
thing that we have talked about here today is in an effort to Himalayan Salt
assist you in getting your expectations in harmony with your Lamps, Jewelry,
desires so that what you are wanting and what you are expect- Candles,
ing are one and the same. That’s the purity of thought that we Unique Gifts
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And so, the way that you have to do that – we’ll say it very Reiki Sessions, Weekly Meditation, Readers
bluntly to you - is that you have to stop giving so much cre- 352-693-4592 Your Holistic and
dence to the physical evidence that surrounds you. All those Spiritual Healing Center
statistics and all those facts – all that stuff that everybody Like us on Facebook
calls reality – it’s not reality. It’s garbage. It’s not reality, it is 11781 SE HWY 441, Belleview, FL 34420 (at the Almeida Plaza)
illusionary. It is somebody else’s physical manifestation of the
balance of their thought.
It is not statistics that has anything to do with you. And so, Psychic cellular surgeons, come forth and work on me. Plump
instead of looking at all of the facts, and trying so hard, up this cell to its most extraordinary state of well-being. And I
rather than putting any of your attention upon the physical will lie here in the most relaxed state of being that I can find
evidence, if somebody quotes a statistical evidence to you, with an expectation of that."
just laugh - it means nothing; the statistic is worthless (all it
is is the evidence of something that somebody else is doing, it And what you will feel is literally a sensation within your body.
has nothing to do with you) - and give all of your attention to You will literally feel… Pick a spot and feel it. Choose a spot on
your awareness of Law of Attraction, and all of your awareness the back of your neck, or in the pit of your knee, or across the
to the way you feel, which is a pure indication of which side small of your back. Pick any spot, and as you lie there in that
of the balance you are attracting from: either what is wanted feeling…
or the lack of it. It is really as simple as that.
If we could keep you here for as few as 15 minutes you would
Something you might do that is a very delicious thing to begin to actually feel physical movement. Watch Esther's face
do is put yourself in your bed and summon the energy. for a minute, you're close enough to see… is there any question
Whether you're summoning it to your face or to your toe, pick about the energy moving there? (No, it's very obvious.) If it
a spot on your body and say, "Work on this for me, will you? were a dark room she would be glowing.
Horizons Magazine by mail $28/12 issues Read online at Page 9