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            OF HAPPINESS

                             Ellen Grace O’Brian is the author of The
                             Jewel of Abundance and director of the Cen-
                             ter for Spiritual Enlightenment in San Jose,
                             CA. Ordained by a direct disciple of Para-      Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
                             mahansa Yogananda, she has been teaching          Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
                             Kriya Yoga philosophy and practice nationally   Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
                             and internationally for over 3 decades. Visit    954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
                                                                             Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice
                             We can easily verify that the search
                             for happiness is a fundamental mo-  Life is, fortunately, permeated with pleasure. Pleasure is
            tivation underlying all that we do. From the moment we   unavoidable and experienced in ways great and small. When
            get up in the morning, we are on a quest to avoid suffering and   we are thirsty and we have a drink of water, we experience
            gather as much happiness as possible — from mundane desires   pleasure. When we work diligently toward a goal and it is
            to satisfy hunger or thirst to our search for comforts and plea-  accomplished, we experience pleasure. What is helpful is to
            sures, and even to our higher aspirations for connection and   understand the difference between pleasure and bliss. Thank-
            meaning. All have one thing in common: Like a trained hound   fully, it is simple to make that distinction. Pleasure comes
            on a hunt, they are aimed at happiness.              to us as the result of satisfying desires. The satisfaction of
                                                                 desires is always limited and potentially problematic. The
            Simply inquiring into the nature of happiness will instigate   satisfaction of desire generally leads to more desire. If we are
            positive changes. Observe yourself. Inquire: What makes me   not attentive, we can bind ourselves to certain desires. Bliss,
            happy? Explore what happiness is for you. At the end of the   however, is innate. It is unconditional; it is not the result of
            day, take a quick happiness assessment. Ask: Did I experience   anything. No desire needs to be satisfied to experience it. It is
            happiness today? If yes, what was it? If no, why not? What do   a divine quality of the soul that is revealed when the mental
            you think was the obstacle?                          field is calm and we are aware. We are not required to give
                                                                 up pleasure to know bliss. We are advised, however, to know
            See if you can perceive the drive to find happiness behind   which is which — and not lose the joy we already have while
            your desires throughout the day. Notice what you want. Ask if   we look everywhere else for happiness.
            behind that drive is a desire for happiness, some form of sat-
            isfaction, or avoidance of pain or suffering. Then ask if getting   The most transitory happiness we experience is physical.
            what you want can bring the happiness you seek.      When a desire related to the senses is fulfilled, we experi-
                                                                 ence relief and happiness but soon find that particular form of
            Often the satisfaction of a desire will momentarily quiet the   pleasure to be short-lived. After our bellies are filled, we are
            mind. That inner calm allows our innate joy to arise. The thing   hungry again.
            we acquired or the situation we found did not create the hap-  The happiness we experience when we set goals and reach
            piness. It was ours to begin with, just obscured by our restless   them, or succeed in life, stays with us longer. Even more
            desire to possess that thing. If we are not aware of how that   enduring than that is the happiness we experience when we
            works, we say, Yes, satisfying this desire does make me happy!   serve life by selflessly helping others. Being of service to oth-
            The next question is: If we associate our happiness with what   ers brings a deep and long-lasting sense of inner peace and
            we acquire or achieve, how long will it last?        happiness.

            This process of inquiry is not to say that we shouldn’t have   Beyond all of those, however, is the highest happiness. The
            desires or experience the happiness that arises when they   highest happiness is the bliss we experience through Self-
            are fulfilled. Rather, it’s a simple but powerful tool to help   knowing, through realizing our true nature. When we experi-
            us discern the distinction between fleeting pleasures and the   ence our essential nature, we discover our innate wholeness.
            innate joy of the soul. When we become skillful at this process   That experience is free from desire. Nothing needs to be
            of inquiry and readily discern the source of happiness, we are   added or attained for us to be happy. We are inherently bliss-
            freer to make choices that serve us well.            ful.
                           THERE IS PLEASURE                     Excerpted from the book The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity
            The Buddha said, “There is pleasure and there is bliss. Forgo   through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga. Copyright ©2018 by Ellen Grace
            the first to possess the second.” Does this mean that to experi-  O’Brian. Printed with permission from New World Library —
            ence bliss we must avoid pleasure? Heavens, no! Even the Bud-
            dha’s experiments with pleasureless asceticism led him to the
            middle way of moderation.

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