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ASK WHITEDOVE                                        Dear Michelle,

                                                                 I work in a psychiatric unit and have seen an increase in pa-
                              Got a burning question? Celebrity Psychic and  tients being admitted, as well as the severity of their disorder.
                              Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here   Michelle, do you have any advice for me? I'm a counselor at the
                              to help.  Lifetime TV named her “America’s   hospital. Thanks for all of your spiritual messages. Many bless-
                              #1 Psychic” on “America’s Psychic Challenge.”   ings to you.
                              Her books include: Ghost Stalker: A Psychic
                              Medium Visits America’s Most Haunted Sites
                              • Ghost Stalker Two: A Psychic Medium Visits   Dearest
                              Europe’s Most Haunted Castles • She Talks   Your unseen support team (God, Your Guardian Angels and your
                              with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s Guide into   Spirit Guides) are your biggest allies. I’d advise that you shield
                              the Spirit World • Angels Are Talking: A   up in prayer each morning before you head out the door. You
                              Psychic Medium Relays Messages from the
                              Heavens • My Invisible Friends     should do prayers of  gratitude  and  give thanks  for  your pro-
                              Visit    tection (body, mind and spirit). Call in your two Guardian An-
                                                                 gels and ask them for guidance during your day.  The Metatron
                                                                 Prayer, is a three dimensional prayer that I highly recommend
            Dear Whitedove,                                      - you can find it on my website http://www.michellewhitedove.
            My friend is a very wise and compassionate woman and her hus-  com/links-recommendations
            band calls her an “Old Soul” . Does this mean that she has rein-
            carnated thousands of times to gain her wisdom?      You work in a complicated field with complex diagnosis where
                                                                 western medicine is limited to solutions of prescription med-
            Dearest,                                             icine  and  some therapies.  Using  your intuition  and  prayer  in
            The term old souls does not necessarily reflect the number of  tandem with your medical knowledge will help guide you. As
            incarnations the person has endured, but rather the amount of  you know, mental  health  issues can  be  caused  by physiologi-
            soul experiences gathered and learned from. That determines  cal imbalances, genetics, psychosocial problems that stem from
            whether we are an old soul or a young soul: the depth of our  abuse of drugs and alcohol, emotional, psychological problems
            learning. The  planet  Earth  is a  big  school house  where  souls  but there are also issues of the soul which are never addressed.
            learn important spiritual truths or lessons. The difficulty of life  Possessions weather mild or dramatic have never been included
            here  is  the  reason  that  moral lessons are  so much  harder  to  in your basic mental health studies. But if you ask an experi-
            learn; there are so many distractions and influences. Thus posi-  enced Vatican priest, he will tell you that the number of exor-
            tive results are harder to achieve. Each soul takes a risk when  cisms are up. Doctors may prefer to call it nonsense. But there
            coming here. We risk creating more karmic debt by forgetting  are too many well documented cases: some souls do suffer from
            who we really are as we descend from heaven so we can inhabit  demonic attacks. I say this only to bring awareness, these cases
            human form.  Those souls that repeatedly come here to earth  are rare.  But you deal with aspects of darkness and delusions in
            are  greatly  celebrated  for  their  bravery  –  this  is not  an  easy  the minds of men, so call in your guardians on a daily basis and
            place to incarnate. There are many more enlightened stars and  let God be your guiding influence.
            planets to choose.

                                       Thank you to all of Brevard county for your loving support
                  At                                                                                  Morgana Starr
                                                                                                       Daena Deva
                Oasis      Angels   Oasis
              you’ll find

             • Angel Themed Gifts,
             Books, and Framed Pics                                                     Thursday 7pm Development Classes,
             • Archangel Essential Oils                                                 Chakras, Goddesses, Creating Sacred Space
             • Readings (Mediumship, Spiritual                                          Sunday Sept 10, 4-6pm Tarot/Oracle Class
             Guidance, Meet Your Guardian,                                              Sep 15, 7 PM Angel Channeling
             Psychic, Past Lives, Crystal,   Mediumship Classes   Readers Available     Hear from your angels and loved ones who
             Tarot)                      every Thursday        Daily Mon-Sat 10-5pm     have crossed over
             • Classes (Reiki, Spiritual                                                Sept 24, 4-6pm Crystals for Karmic Healing
             Development, Angelic Arts)  evening at 7pm            Sunday 11-4pm        by Nicholas Pearson

                      Come join us in The Angelic Movement and visit us at Angels Oasis in the Threadneedle Mall
              321-506-1143       404 Brevard Avenue in Historic Cocoa Village. FL 32922

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