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Herb Corner
The Herb Corner
and Learning Center Melbourne FL is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters
Cecelia Avitabile of The Herb Corner and Learning Center in
of Herbalism degree and over 20 years of herbal experience. A
More than just herbs and herbal classes member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the
American Herbalist Guild. Visit 321-757-7522
Holistic Healthcare Provider on Staff
Hours: Wed-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 11-3 We all experience highs and lows from time to time,
however people with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have
277 N. Babcock St., Melbourne extreme highs and lows. Unfortunately, most people who
321-757-7522 have BD are unaware of the extremes in their highs and lows
Our Herbal and do not see the problem. Some symptoms you or your family
members may notice with BD are periods of elation followed by
Certification depression, pessimism, hopelessness, irritability, short temper or
rage. There may be periods of lack of concentration or trouble
Course thinking or times periods of increase activity followed by reduced
interest, decreased need for sleep or oversleeping. Some people
with BD have heightened self-esteem or unrealistic beliefs in their
“Reclaiming abilities showing poor judgement or reckless behavior.
Bipolar Disorder can be caused by hormonal imbalances,
Your Roots” genetics, hypoglycemia or food allergies. Environmental factors
such as toxin exposures from pesticides, solvents, cleaning
products, detergents, perfumes or heavy metals like copper,
An in depth study of the healing mercury, aluminum or lead. BD can also be made worse from lack
of sleep, sunlight or drug abuse.
properties of herbs from September 2017 Over-time with holistic, lifestyle and dietary modifications
– November 2017 on alternate Sundays. symptoms of BD can be reduced. Research has found that proper
diet, sufficient sleep and sunlight exposure and stress management
Pre registration is required can greatly improve mental health, reducing mood related
Cost $325 plus a materials fee of $50 includes disorders associated with BD. With BD be on the lookout for food
sensitivities which can trigger emotional outbursts. Cutting back
all printed instruction and materials. A $50 non- on sugar or artificial sweeteners, these seem to make mood swings
worse. Reducing alcohol, power drinks and caffeine (including soda)
refundable deposit is required for books and can help because initially these may boost energy but the final
supplies due by May 30th, 2017 with the balance result is a crash in energy, which causes greater fatigue, depression
made in thirteen additional installments of $25. and mood swings.
Supplement-wise, Omega-3-fatty-acids and GABA are necessary
A certificate will be awarded upon completion. for the health of the nervous system, calming the brain
Call for more info 321-757-7522 helping to elevate moods, reduce hyperactivity, irritability and
As a Master Herbalist I will help to start you “on the road” to aggressiveness. Plus, they help promote better sleep. Zinc helps
herbalism. “Reclaiming Your Roots” provides you with the health- remove toxic metal accumulation from the brain, for some this
can be the cause of BD. B3 and Folic acid help with depression,
promoting herbal skills that have nearly been lost to our “modern”
world. In 3 months you will learn how to treat non-emergency irritability, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, personality changes and
health problems, and gain an excellent grounding in the basics: argumentativeness.
teas, tinctures, salves, syrups, compresses. Classes will include Herbs like Dandelion, Burdock, Nettle, Yellow Dock, Red Clover
herbs for the Digestive, Nervous, Circulatory, Urinary, Respiratory, and Cilantro help detoxify the body, removing heavy metals and
Immune, Muscular & Skeletal systems. Along with healthy choices candida that can contribute to mood swings and other symptoms
for women, men, children and pets. You will take two nature walks, of BD. Calming herbs to the nervous system like Passion Flower,
one at Turkey Creek, and the other in an herbalist’s garden. Lavender, Chamomile, Hawthorn, Lemon Balm, Oat Straw, Kava,
Sign up now for the next class. St John’s Wort or Valerian provide a sense of wellbeing helping
Also gifts, jewelry, gemstones, candles, to balance mood swings. And adaptogenic herbs like Eluthero,
Himalayan salt lamps, organic skin care soaps Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, Licorice or Bacopa help balance adrenaline,
noradrenaline and cortisol, these help combat depression by
and cosmetics, glass and plastic bottles, herbal helping you cope with the highs and lows in moods.
supplies, organic essential oils and diffusers, No matter what treatment protocol you have decided on stick
detox foot bath sessions. with it. It is not uncommon for those with BD to stop their protocol to soon when they are feeling better, this can result in a relapse.
It takes time for allergens and toxins to be detoxified and for
for articles, recipes, newsletter hormonal and nutritional imbalances to be corrected. It didn’t start
yesterday; it won’t go away tomorrow.
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