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                             Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; the Essential
                             Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing; the Crystal Intentions Oracle; Masters, Mystics, Saints and Gemstone
                             Guardians Cards and more. She is a spiritual entrepreneur, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — a
                             bookstore, in southeast Florida.  Find out more about Margaret Ann at; www.TheCrystalGar-
                   ; and or email at

                             Get into the Swing of Things: Ruby and Self-Motivation

            Do you need to improve your vim and vigor? Do you  mind wrapped around
            need a bit of motivation to get things done? It’s time   the idea that it is time to
            to get things moving with a ruby in hand as your gemstone ally.  move forward and take
            Ruby increases your passion for life when used with conscious   action. This brilliant gem-
            intent. The lazy days of summer are coming to an end officially  stone is a motivational
            with the Autumnal Equinox. Though once Labor Day rolls   tool to help you complete
            around here in the USA, it is the unofficial end of summer.   tasks. Rubies are helpful
            It’s that time to get into the swing of things, though it isn’t   to get you fired up when
            necessary to return to old routines or the old rut. Instead,   you are feeling blasé
            let that swing you into a place of motivation and movement   about life. If you’ve been lacking enthusiasm and generally
            to immerse yourself into a passionate approach to your life.   feel bored, the red energy of ruby will get your blood flowing.
            Whether you are returning from a summer home, a vacation,   Get your energy centers recharged and renew your passion for
            or making the shift into getting the children back to school,   living a vibrant life!
            ruby is the perfect stone to use when an activity requires
            physical endurance.                                  Affirm this with your ruby in hand: Vital life force flows
                                                                 vibrantly through me. I am strong and health. I’m
            If you’ve been procrastinating, ruby gives you the jumpstart   self-motivated to be productive. My tasks and creative
            you need to begin a task or project. Rub a ruby to get your   projects are completed with ease. I am grateful for my
                                                                 energetic passion for life! I am abundant. I am safe.

                                                                                               From the
                                                                                               creator of
                                                                                               in Spray

                                              Get Back Into

                                     the Swing of Things
                                     the Swing of Things

                                 Be Motivated
                                 Be Motivated
                                 Roll On                      Be Inspired Roll On
                                 Roll On
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                                 and get down t               creativity with this
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                                 crisp, earthy blend.p, earthy blend.
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                                             Relieve achey muscles and clear your
                                             mind with this clean, medicinal blend.

                     2610 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •

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