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articles here as well
                              HOW TO FREE YOURSELF

                              OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS

                              Michael A. Singer is the author of The Untethered Soul, as well as two books on the integration of Eastern and Western
                              philosophy: The Search for Truth and Three Essays on Universal Law: Karma, Will and Love. During his doctoral work at
                              University of Florida, Singer had a deep inner awakening. In 1975 he founded Temple of the Universe. Singer has made
                              major contributions in the areas of business, the arts, education, health care, and environmental protection. Visit

                “The prerequisite to true freedom is to decide that   you, continually hammering away at your peace. Then your
                you do not want to suffer anymore.” – Michael Singer  emotions bother you, leading your heart and soul to continu-
                                                                 ous discomfort. You don’t have to be a prisoner of your psyche.
            Imagine some of the most painful moments in your     You do not have to engage with your mind. Disengage. Sit
            life. Do you think about them often? Does your       quietly and observe yourself. Become aware of your anxious
                                                                 psyche and thinking mind. Stop looking for solutions and stop
            mind plague you with internal chatter about what     expecting that your mind will fix your internal problems.
            happened in the past? Do you continue to question,
            replay and rethink what has happened to you? Do      When someone cuts you off in traffic, is rude to you or doesn’t
            your thoughts or your “inner roommate”               talk to you, free yourself by disengaging. Do not get involved
            preoccupy your mind and your life?                   with the mechanical, droning thoughts your mind repeats. The
                                                                 only action you should consciously take is to relax and release.
            In The Untethered Soul, Singer offers the gift of a peaceful   Refrain from playing mind games. Just be there, noticing that
            mind and an uncaged soul, and shows you how to become more  you notice. It’s like taking inventory. Just check what’s going
            aware of your thoughts, acknowledge your inner being and   on – heart, mind, shoulders, etc.
            free yourself from the trappings of your inner turmoil. You can
            tone down the internal chitter-chatter and “neurotic bursts of   You’re just there, aware that thoughts and emotions are be-
            conflicting dialogue” in your mind.                  ing created around you, while the world unfolds before your
                                                                 senses. By consciously choosing not to play mind games, you
            1.  BECOME AWARE.                                    become more aware of the inner drama your mind creates.
            You are behind everything, just watching. That is your true   By refusing to engage, you set the stage for soul freedom. No
            home. There’s you and then there’s the sensitive person inside  more engagement with your mind and psyche. Only observance
            you. Every day, observe this internal being. Simply watch that   and awareness. Your external life is a play. A movie, even.
            sensitive part of you feel disturbance. See it feel jealousy,
            need, and fear…If you pay attention, you will see they are not   Learn that the way you process and deal with external circum-
            you; they are just something you’re feeling and experiencing.  stances is also a movie – something you should watch. You’re
                                                                 not the actor and you don’t have a part to play. “Right in
            You are a different person internally than you are externally.   the midst of your daily life, by untethering yourself from the
            Internally, you observe what is going on in your life. When   bondage of your psyche, you actually have the ability to steal
            you’re at your center or core, you can witness and even appre-  freedom for your soul. This freedom is so great it has been
            ciate the difficult experiences you’re encountering. You sit in a  given a special name – liberation.”
            seat of awareness and watch these disturbances and emotions
            pass you by. You become aware of the drama taking place in   3. LEARN TO ACCEPT.
            the movie of your life.                              You may have had emotional problems, childhood situations
                                                                 and past pain that scarred you on the inside. Emotional dam-
            Once you learn that it’s okay to feel inner disturbances, you   age has caused you to struggle with the events you currently
            will be free. You will begin to be sustained by the inner energy  face. You won’t open yourself to the present because you fear
            flow that comes from behind you. By being in this state of   previous circumstances. When you live like this – clinging to
            centeredness, you can walk in the world and the world will   the past and resisting the present – you are wasting your life.
            never touch you. That’s how you become a free being – you   If you learn to accept events as they develop, you won’t see
            transcend.                                           them as problems. If you don’t have fear or desire about an
                                                                 event, there’s really nothing to deal with. You simply allow life
            2. DECIDE YOU DON'T WANT TO SUFFER ANYMORE.          to unfold and interact with it in a natural and rational manner.
            You’re constantly shaken up on the inside. External events
            take hold of your mind, your soul and your psyche. You regu-
            larly think about life’s disturbances. First your thoughts bother
                                                                                 ...continued on page 13...

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