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lotsa of hicks articles here  see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
   AbrahamHicks trascriptions here
   also here on FB
            ABRAHAM-HICKS                                               Rev. Andy Conyer

                              Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers,   UNITY LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTRE 863-471-1122
                              speaking their broader  perspective through
                              Esther Hicks.    Author of Ask & It Is Given,   10417 S. Orange Blossom Blvd, Sebring, FL 33875
                              The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The   Email
                              Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
                              All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
                              Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,
                                                                             Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
            Q: I’ve heard from several sources that all the cells             Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
            in the human body are replaced within about a                   Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
            year’s time. One person I know has diabetes and her             954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
            pancreas has not worked for decades. Another has a               Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice
            nerve injury that prevents her hand from working.
            How can we vibrationally create the perfect cells
            to regenerate the body part that is not functioning
            properly?                                                       CLASSES FORMING

            A: Well, let’s look at a physical body and all of its cells, many   Reiki 1 & 2,  July
            of them - trillions? It’s hard to count. Imagine a very small   Sacred Geometry 1,  August
            community, and you’ve been watching them from a distance        Adept 1 Initiation, September
            and you notice that they have some very destructive beliefs.   ATLANTEAN HEALING ARTS - Melbourne
            And some wise person says to you “Well, don’t worry about   321-543-8882           Duncan Bowen, PhD.
            this village because, in time, all of these people who are now
            here practicing these not very beneficial beliefs will be dead.
            And they’ll be replaced with a whole new village.” And you say
            “Well, that does give me hope.”
            And then you say “Will they all die at the same time? And will
            they all be replaced at the same time?” And then someone
            wise says to you “No, some of them will go and more of them
            will come, and some of them will go, and more of them will
            come.” And then you say, “Well then, it’s going to take a while
            for these undesirable beliefs to be watered or filtered out,   other words, it’s that cellular summoning that is that differ-
            because the ones who are still there that still have the beliefs   ence. So the cells are summoning and Source is answering.
            are going to teach them to the new ones who are coming on.”
                                                                 And if that were all that there was to this cellular community,
            So, you get the gist of our story? It’s sort of what happens   these cells that know how to be well, if they somehow found
            with your body and your cellular communities. Once the cells   themselves teetering on a little bit of imbalance, they would
            in a particular area of your body begin behaving in the way   just make the correction automatically (they always do),
            that they do, they have the same power of influence that   and Source would answer the corrected request, and the cell
            anyone does to anything that is near. The difference between   would right itself within the body. And a body of very well cells
            the analogy of the people in the town - that it would be nice   is a very well body.
            if they would all die at the same moment (for the purpose
            of this story) - and the cells in the body is that the cells in   But, there is another factor that affects the way the cells are
            your body are all Pure Positive Energy cells. In other words,   able to receive what they’re asking for, and that’s the influ-
            they are actively, instinctively working for their own personal   ence of the mind or the vibrational patterning or the attitude
            survival, which is something that we’ve been trying to get all   or the mood of the human who is inhabiting the clump of cells.
            of you to do, at least in these hours that we’ve been discussing  So now, what was your question again?
            here today - we want you to more selfishly approach your own
            experience.                                          Q: So, since this process is going on, and what I want to
                                                                 do is get younger, or I want to heal a part of my body,
            So the cells of your body - do you know that they are the first   or I have a scar, and I know that all the cells are going to
            point of the summoning of the Life Force? Do you know that it   change out in that piece of skin a short period of time,
            is the cellular summoning of Source, or the cellular asking that
            is the reason that the doctors pronounce you alive or dead? In              ...continued on page 28...

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