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3 SPIRITUAL LIFE                                                     JOHN CULBERTSON

                             LESSONS                                            Books, Astrology    Energy Healing Services
                                                                                                      Past Life Exploration
                                                                                Meditation, Classes
                                                                                                    Spiritual Companionship
                                                                                Psychic Readings
                             I’VE                                        816-343-8318


            John Culbertson is a psychic, shamanic practitioner, metaphysical min-
            ister, spiritual counselor, author, and spiritual teacher of over twenty     development-classes
            years. He offers private sessions and classes. You can learn more about
            him and his work at his website
                                                                 To Promote the Religion,  ON-GOING  PSYCHIC/MEDIUM
            All of us in this world are constantly in a process of    Science, and Philosophy   SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES
            learning spiritually. We are all also in the process of   of Spiritualism
            trying to improve our lives. Each of us can learn some-                      The Villages ~ New Series
            thing from the other and we are all called, from time to time,                 begins in November
            to be teachers to one another. The problem is that sometimes
            our ego gets in the way of us allowing ourselves to hear new
            thoughts and ideas from other people. We sometimes think we                    Gainesville ~ Aug 4th
            know it all or that there is nothing else left to learn. This is a
            dangerous place to be for it shuts down the possibility of not
            only advancing spiritually and in our lives, but also from be-  IFSK Director   Orlando ~Aug 26th
            ing capable of being able to teach others those very ideas we   Marilyn Jenquin
            avoided allowing ourselves listen and learn in the first place.  Private
                                                                     Readings             Melbourne ~ Aug 7th
            Here are three spiritual lessons my guides (both spiritual and   BY APPOINTMENT
            physical world) have shared with me over the years that I’d               Check website for complete details
            also like to share with you. Try to figure out which of them
            you’ve already learned and which would be in your best inter-    
            est to work more on.
            THEY CONTROL US

            Two young people each have a partner who breaks off their   emotions are always firing. Learning to take a deep breath
            romantic relationship. One breaks down and cries, saying “I   and ground and stabilize before reacting or acting has been a
            can’t live without you!” The other shrugs and says “There are   challenge.
            more fish in the sea!” Both have experienced the same event,
            but their reaction and emotional disposition determine where   What has helped me? Having teenagers! Many know that my
            things now go and how they ultimately feel.          wife and I have hosted 3 foreign exchange students. Having a
                                                                 teen in my life has forced me to stay centered and grounded
            My students never like it when I say we can control our emo-  – in an effort to keep them centered and grounded, too! Some-
            tions. One of the first tasks in many Esoteric Organizations is   times we need others around to help remind us, even if just
            in teaching the adepts to understand and grasp this concept.   with their presence, that we need to stay in and keep control
            Once a person learns to master their emotions, they can ef-  of those deep and passionate emotions that flow through us.
            fectively change their lives in a mere instance. Likewise, to
            not have that mastery is to allow other people and situations   The other very practical thing which has helped has been
            to eventually dictate your life.                     meditation. I can always tell when I’m due for a meditation
                                                                 session. I feel drained, exhausted, and irritated. I’m always
            This has personally been a very hard lesson for me to learn and  amazed at how much meditation helps me to stay in control
            I find myself still working on it, sometimes daily. I have such a   of my emotions as well as refreshes me mentally, emotionally,
            strong emotional sensitivity to the world around me that my   spiritually, and many times even physically.

                                                                                       ...continued on page 27...

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