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THIS MONTH’S                      ation, changing the topic from “give me a helpful process
                                                                 please to transform my thoughts into productive fuel for
                                  THOUGHTS                       the manifestation of my desires,” to “how can this tragedy
                                      ABOUT                      It happens when we let ourselves be distracted from staying
                                                                 focused on the real issues at hand. The Russian election tam-
                                    THINGS...                    pering is a good example as an archetype and metaphor for
                                                                 that. But that's not what this is about. This is about giving you
                                                                 the process for changing thought. Here's what I wrote, you'll
                                 “In the company of one who is living   fnd it very helpful to glance over a few times.
            Andrea de Michaelis  Love, you can’t help but spring into
                                 that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
             Publisher in 2016                                       THE PROCESS WORKS NO MATTER THE TOPIC,
                                                                     EVEN THE DETAINED IMMIGRANT CHILDREN
            HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE AUGUST 2018                 I was asked today about the MECHANICS of changing thought
            HORIZONS MAGAZINE. SUMMER IS HEATING                 and then a few friends got emotional over the TOPIC and
            UP SO I'M GOING TO JUMP RIGHT IN HERE.               shifted the convo away from the process. That’s exactly how
                                                                 we get derailed in the manifestion process. We let ourselves
            Many of us don’t get what we want because manifestation   get distracted and derailed.
            takes extreme focus and our attention is too easily scattered.
            We let ourselves be distracted from the main topic, distracted   I’d posted on Facebook that one of my favorite quotes was
            from what we want. Then we find ourselves halfway down   “As hopeless as any situation feels it’s really only your
            a new rabbit hole before we realize we’ve been steered off   thoughts that you are dealing with and you have the power
            topic.                                               to change those” by Louise Hay.

            Case in point, last month on Facebook as we were discussing   FB friend Sharon asked, “What about the kids taken from
            “thoughts are things,” someone asked me what were the me-  their parents? How is that just a thought I am dealing
            chanics of changing thought (from negative to positive.)  with?”
            I outlined the step by step process I use. I used the situation   If you’re asking the same question, you misunderstand.
            with the detained immigrant children as one example. Half
            of the people then began commenting on the immigrant situ-
                                                                                    ...continued on page 20...

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