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HORIZONS MAGAZINE                              As hopeless as any situation feels,   When we think that the
             575 Escarole Street S.E.                       it‘s really only your thoughts that    world has unlimited
             Palm Bay, FL 32909-4802                          you’re dealing with.  And you       resources, our world
                                                            have the power to change those.        becomes unlimited.
                                                                    Louise Hay                      Ma Yoga Shakti


                     Meditate Easily,
                     Naturally, and
                     Effectively With
                     this FREE Audio
                     CD Recording

                        Two 30 Minute
                       Guided Practice

                         Benefits of regular
                       meditation are stress
                        reduction, improved
                        strengthening of the
                      body’s immune system,
                        slowing of biological
                       aging, and satisfying
                         spiritual growth.

                           Sessions begin with routines to calm the mind and focus attention.
                            Use the short periods of silence to contemplate your pure essence.
                                   Request your free copy by mail, e-mail, or telephone.
                                    Pay only for packing and postage. In the U.S. $3.00

                                              Center for Spiritual Awareness
                                        P. O. Box 7  Lakemont, Georgia 30552-0001
                                   706-782-4723 weekdays 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. East Coast Time
                                          Free on our Internet web site:
                      Truth Journal, articles & books in several languages; video and audio talks; online
                         ordering of books, DVDs and CDs; meditation seminar and retreat schedules.

                       Roy Eugene Davis has been teaching spiritual growth processes for more than
                        60 years in North and South America, Europe, West Africa, and India. He was
                     ordained by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1951. Read Truth Journal, hear Mr. Davis’
                        talks, and see meditation seminar and retreat schedules at
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