Page 27 - Horizons
P. 27

ABRAHAM-HICKS                             So, is there to think about a world without terrorism and
                                                                     shortage?  Yes. It just takes discipline - it takes a strong
                                                                     desire to feel good. Find ways to do that.

                                 ...continued from page 9
                                                                     Q: I have an eight month old at home, and
                                                                     I'm very curious about babies. I've heard
                                                                     you talk about as soon as they're conceived
                So if you could just step back just for a moment from   they have their stream going.
                the thinking that "I need to get into the Vortex or I need
                to get into the Receiving Mode so that I can receive the   A: That stream is their Nonphysical awareness - that's
                solution so that I can pronounce it and explain it to all   that Nonphysical stream, and at the moment that they
                mankind," if you could just avoid that thought and instead   take their first breath and have some awareness of their
                say "It is my desire to get into the Vortex or into the   physical environment, now they have two points of
                Receiving Mode so that I can feel my utter wellbeing and   attraction and two points of consciousness.
                feel the alignment between me and Me."
                                                                     Q: OK, so they have a little bit of resistance.
                If that could be your desire, if that could be why you're
                wanting to be in the Receiving Mode, now you're in the   A: At birth.
                Receiving Mode and you're not complicating it with that
                impossible task of getting one other person to understand   Q: OK, I just want to clarify: They are vibrationally
                you or listen to you or take action because of something   independent, as in they can choose for themselves?
                that you've said.
                                                                     A: Yes, and already have. And let's talk about that just
                Now solutions come to you and a mighty current of    for a moment based upon what we just said - none of you
                aligned beings begin summoning this Energy and flowing   are really ever completely vibrationally independent from
                it forward, and all kinds of solutions begin to happen   your Inner Being because your Inner Being is momentum
                - economic solutions which are at the basis of so much   that came forward with you.
                unrest, political solutions that are at the basis of so
                much unrest that the majority of you don't have anything   Q: Can you say that again?
                to do with, that even when you cast your vote you feel
                incapable of accomplishing anything.                 A: None of you are ever vibrationally independent from
                                                                     the goodness of who you really are. In other words, this
                But you sure can   You can cast your                 Source Energy You is always the dominant Energy, and is
                cast your vibrational                                always calling you to it. But when you try to accomplish
                vote - you sure can   vibrational vote               independence from that, or let's say separation from that,
                look into the mass                                   you don't feel so good.
                consciousness and    - you can look
                find things that                                     Q: Right, but I'm talking about vibrational dependence
                cause you to be in    into the mass                  on or independence from other people.
                alignment - and you   consciousness and
                can stand ready for                                  A: We know you are. So often you think you want your
                the solution ideas   find things that                independence, but you don't want independence from
                that will flow to you                                clarity and you don't want independence from Source
                along with millions   cause you to be in             and you don't want independence from vitality - the
                of others who are                                    reason you want independence is because you have a
                standing ready for the   alignment and               vibration going on that you don't like. But the seeking of
                solution.                                            independence is not really a healthy thing because it's
                                       to feel good                  a pushing against what you don't want usually. It's like
                And do you know                                      with people who say "I want freedom," they always mean
                who a lot of those millions are? Animals that are being   freedom from bondage, so bondage is a big thing in the
                born, the plants that are being born, and baby humans   vibration, bigger usually than the freedom that they're
                that are being born, and those like you who are coming   saying with the word.
                into alignment. In other words, this movement of the
                Receiving Mode is a large movement - it always has
                been and it always will be - because it is your natural
                inclination to feel good.                                             continued on page 31...

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