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ARE YOU LISTENING                     PEOPLE. By paying close attention to conversations with
                                                                 friends, family members or coworkers, you may hear important
                                TO YOUR LIFE?                    information.

                                                                 JOURNALING. Use your journal to dialogue with your “Wise
                                  continued from page 26...      Self” by asking a question, getting quiet, and then writing
                                                                 whatever comes to mind. This is a great way to train yourself
                                                                 to look inside for answers first.
            Photo credit Charles Bush
                HOW TO LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION                  TV AND RADIO. By paying attention to what occurs around
            Rev up your intuition by starting to use it for less important   you, you might even find that information or next steps come
            decision-making choices such as the right meal to eat or   to you in the most unusual ways. You may get an answer while
            the best movie to see. When making important decisions,   watching a favorite TV program or tap into a specific memory
            get quiet and ask yourself for guidance. Close your eyes,   or feeling while listening to the radio.
            take a few deep breaths and focus on a question. Notice
            any images, thoughts, sounds or feelings that occur to you.       BE OPEN TO MESSAGES
            Be willing to make mistakes in order to strengthen your   John, a car salesman, was once a guest on The Oprah
            relationship with your inner guidance system. As you learn to   Winfrey Show, and was asked to help a woman overcome
            act on your intuition, act on the wisdom you receive, even if   her insecurities by negotiating for a car. But John got a lot
            you’re not sure whether or not it’s the right direction. Don’t   more than he bargained for...a burning desire to discover his
            worry about making the “perfect” decision!           passion!
                      THE STORY: EILEEN FISHER                   Two days after the show taping, John gave notice at the
            A Business Built on Intuition.  This successful fashion   dealership. John said he hadn’t been listening to his life—he
            designer connected with her inner voice and followed her   felt he was doing what was expected of him.
            dream to start her own business—with only $350 in her bank
            account!                                             Another step John took was to get rid of the toxic relationships
            “Your inner voice teaches you about yourself and puts you on   in his life—”friends” he realized were superficial. Now he only
            the right path. Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”   surrounds himself with supportive people.
            — Eileen Fisher
                                                                 “From a spiritual standpoint, it’s amazing to actually be
            As a little girl, fashion designer Eileen Fisher was taught to   yourself, and not to have to put on that mask.” — John
            put the feelings of others before her own; she learned to
            ignore her inner voice. In her 20’s, she worked as a waitress   LISTENING TO YOUR DREAMS
            and in interior and graphic design to make ends meet—but   If you’re not listening to the messages your life is sending
            always dreamt of her own clothing line. People called her a   you throughout the day, there’s hope— you’re likely to get
            dreamer and said she’d never make it. “It made me doubt   messages while you sleep!
            myself,” says Eileen. “I was so confused that I couldn’t hear
            the voices inside telling me what to do or how to go about        DREAMING POSSIBILITIES
            it.”                                                  Your dreams can give you great direction in your life. Here’s
            Eileen began to write and sketch in a journal to clarify her   insight into the importance of your dreams:
            inner vision. Reading the journal helped her to see herself   Recurring dreams may be messages from your subconscious
            more clearly and realize negative energy was holding her   about a situation that needs your attention.
            back.                                                You can dream solutions to problems.
                                                                 Your dreams can contain important messages about your body
            When Eileen surrounded herself with supportive people, she   and your health.
            was able to put aside her childhood inhibitions and start
            her own business—with only $350 in her bank account! “It    TAP INTO YOUR DREAM MESSAGES
            was like I was on a path. And the ideas and energy began to   Keep a journal by your bed. Write in it when you awake in the
            flow.” Today, Eileen Fisher’s clothing company is worth over   morning in your online journal. If you wake up in the middle of
            one hundred million dollars! “I believe that every minute   the night and have had a dream, write it down! You may not
            we’re awake our life is sending us messages about what we   remember it in the morning.
            should be doing, where we should be headed.” — Eileen
            Fisher                                               If you have trouble remembering your dreams (which many
                                                                 people do), start by writing fragments or even vague memories
                     WHERE TO LOOK FOR SIGNS                     of dreams you may have had. Pretty soon your subconscious
            Can you open your heart and mind to listen? Our lives   will get the message that you’re paying attention, and you’ll
            communicate with us in many ways. Learn where to look.  remember more and more of your dreams.
            Can you open your heart and mind to listen? Learn to keep
            an open mind about where you’ll get these messages—they   Try writing down a question before you go to bed. Often, you’ll
            can come from many places:                           get the answer in a dream.

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