Page 29 - Horizons
P. 29

This month’s thoughts                 reasons for that, and that we are all connected to each other.

                                 about things...                 To the idea of the body’s energy system and the power we
                                                                 have for self-healing. To the idea that we create the world
                                                                 around us by virtue of the thoughts we choose to think repeat-
                              “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   edly. She said she was beginning to lose hope because she felt
                                joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 her life was meaningless. As usual, all that needed to change
                                      ... from page 7 ..         was her perception.

                                                                 DURING A BIG GOOF UP IT HELPS ME TO REMEMBER
                                                                      THAT THINGS USUALLY WORK OUT FOR ME
                    YOUR WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES                 My Verizon contract was up last month, so I transferred my
            Having said that, always watch your words — some people   phone from Verizon ($81/month) to Straight Talk ($47/month.)
            troll pages waiting to pick a fight. A friend of mine got herself   I made sure to call from the land line and do the process with
            in a pickle. She made some tipsy, rude comments on FB one   a real person so I did not lose my number.  Of course they
            midnight last week and a handful of Facebook friends took it   dropped my number! Mark, after I stressed I specifically need-
            the wrong way. They began a witchhunt, getting her banned   ed to take my phone number with me, failed to ask me any of
            from several location entertainment venues and contacting   the Verizon account info in order to port the number over. It
            her employer asking that she be fired. She said a stupid thing   was only AFTER we got off the phone I realized he didn’t ask
            and she apologized hours later but now she’s receiving threats   me any of that info. I called back and Brian did the necessary
            of bodily harm as Facebook friends continue to share the of-  to fix it.  I attracted it because I was nervous about losing the
            fending post with directives to “find this person and teach her   number. I thought it might happen, I knew there was a chance
            a lesson, give her something to cry about, put her out of her   and I was resigned to it if it happened. I also know that things
            misery,” etc. WORDS MATTER. Choose them carefully and know   usually work out for me and when there’s a goof, I can usually
            there are always consequences.                       find someone right away to fix it. And I did.  So did it work out
                                                                 because I expected it to or did I expect it to because it always
                  WHAT'S THE POINT OF IT ALL ANYWAY??            works out?
            A friend asked, “What’s the point of it all? If we’re going to
            just live and die, what’s the point of trying to achieve anything   ASKING IS POWERFUL
            if it all turns to dust?” The point is not achieving. The point is   Did you ever notice that when there’s been no one exciting
            the emotional journey you take as you go this way and that.   and new in your life for awhile and then there is, suddenly
            The point is to follow emotional happiness. That is also how   there’s 2 and 3 and 4 of them? That’s because the more you
            you serve yourself and your fellow man. When you are filled   focus on the good feeling you got from the one, the stronger
            with happiness, you exude a nonphysical ‘good’ into the en-  your signal.  “Bring me new inspiration.” Asking is powerful.
            vironment and anyone around you has access to thoughts and   When we ask, we will be guided to new inspiration or a new
            feelings of happiness, not unlike accessing good thoughts from   goal or a new muse. But we have to ask for it. When you’re
            a collective thought bank.                           ready, sincerely ask internally: “Whoever or Whatever is
                                                                 up there or out there, please bring me something to be
               HOW I COPE WITH LIFE BY LOOKING FOR FUN           intensely interested in and inspired about, something to
            Why bother to feel good ever if we’re going to eventually die?   bring new spark into my life. Thank you.” It never fails.
            Because those thoughts and emotions build up and follow you   Never.
            from lifetime to lifetime, making easier and happier future
            lives. I cope with life by training myself to have an interest in   GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THOSE YOU LEAVE BEHIND
            things around me, looking for the fun to be had, looking for   When you finally decide to leave and cut the cord, here's a
            the helpers, looking for the silver lining, looking for someone   comforting truth — if you’re no longer there by choice or
            to give a kind word to, by training my self talk to keep me   chance. “Responsibilities are part of the play, the maya or illu-
            motivated and uplifted. That is my contribution to emotional   sion of our lives. At any time that you abandon or are snatched
            well being on planet Earth.                          from your life — the people in it will be taken care of by God.
                                                                 So just know, pray for them, play your part with them as far as
            Your being here matters, your being happy matters, the hap-  you are prompted to do it. But be aware, they will be okay if
            piness of others matter. Never think it’s pointless. Become an   you are not there. That struggle to stand on their own may be
            emotional missionary in this lifetime and follow happiness,   part of their growth.”
            feel happiness, collect happy thoughts and feelings so you   — Marie Dooley
            can remember happiness when things are not so happy. Fill
            up your happy tank to overflowing, that’s how you silently   You can leave out of misery or leave grace-
            help your self and your community. In this lifetime and the   fully. You can stay and be miserable, or stay
            next.                                                gracefully. The turmoil lives within limiting
                                                                 options. Find the grace and the options will
            A friend thanked me today for introducing her to metaphysical   appear. — Zanda Gutek
            thought, to the idea of continuation of life in consciousness
            after the death of the physical body, to the idea of different   Enjoy our offering this month.   Andrea
            levels of existence, intermingled and parallel worlds and the   Hari Om.
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