Page 31 - Horizons
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COVER ART                                                         ABRAHAM-HICKS

              POND FAY AND HER KITTENS                                                   ...continued from page 27

                          by Sharon George

                                      This nature faery is resting
                                     upon her favorite stone at the    Q: OK, so the independence we're seeking is really
                                     edge of a hidden pond.  She       independence from our resistance?
                                     is with her adopted children, three
                                     fay kittens. They are visited by their   A: The independence that you're really seeking is
                                     friend, Raccoon, who has picked a   independence from those who aren't your guidance
                                     giant strawberry and is washing it in
                                     the miniature falls. The talking carp   system, so that you can interconnect and integrate
                                     makes bubbles while one of the kit-  with what is your guidance. Can you see why it was
                                     tens watches an inchworm make his   important to clarify this?
                                     way across the stone. The pond fay,
                                     decorated with her favorite found   Q: Yes. So the real dependence is my alignment with
                                     objects, is quite contented in the   my Inner Being - I'm dependent on my Inner Being
                                     late afternoon shadows. She exudes   for the clarity, for the feeding me what I want - am I
                                     a gentle air that has drawn a pod of   following?
            hummers to rest with her in her calm. It’s a peaceable kingdom.
                                                                       A: Yeah, but that word dependent is one that smacks
            Sharon George: Award Winning Digital Painter of fantasy and goddess   of something that you don't want. But it is an accurate
            art. Her online portfolio is at Her open   use of it, so let's find a better feeling word to you
            edition archival quality prints are signed by the artist and come with
            a letter explaining her process of creation and the symbology used in   than that. Let's call it collaboration of co-creation or
            each image. Each print is superb quality, stunning color and signed by   integration or extension of or we're all in this together
            the artist.  What she says about herself and her work:     or that we are one or partnership - yes.
            "I am the embodiment of Earth Mother. I am Empath; my spirit forever   Let's not count all partnerships that aren't your Inner
            dragging my body behind. I live in a world of dreams. I am Nature.   Being as flawed or not good, let's just understand the
            My mind an ancient tree, a primordial fern, a pool of silver water   good ones feel one way and the not good ones feel
            beneath the moon. I am part Raven, part Owl, part Lizard, part Rab-  another way.
            bit and mother to many cats. I speak to my animal friends because I
            respect them.   I have often felt my images are channeled. The best   Q: And put my focus on the good ones. OK.
            work leaves me waking from a trance with no idea how I just created
            whatever I did. Once I was taken on a journey through some deep red   There's no risk out there, there is only your point of
            rock fissures. We flew by very fast and on the walls were petroglyphs   attraction. That's why there are people who thrive
            that came forward and glowed. I was taught the meaning of shapes   under all conditions and there are people who suffer
            and colors on a very profound level. There are no words to describe   under all conditions.
            what I was given that afternoon. It’s inside me somewhere.
                                                                       There are people who thrive in what the world would
            My work is not done because I’ve yet to express these meanings.   call the worst conditions, and there are people who
            When I have grown enough to do so, everyone will gain. We all feel
            wonderful when those common chords in our hearts are touched.   suffer in what the world would call the best conditions,
            We understand for a moment we’re sacred and we’re not alone.   and it doesn't have anything to do with what's out
            As a woman, I have shared with many women the birth and raising   there, it has everything to do with what's going on with
            of children, the joys and sorrows of                       you vibrationally. A
            marriage...and I’ve emerged with a
            profound appreciation for the female                       nd your point of attraction is always based upon what
            experience. I’ve learned to honor the                      you're broadcasting, so the things you broadcast - the
            eternal feminine aspect of life. I hope                    things you say about yourself and others, and situations
            when people see my art they recognize                      and circumstances and events - what you say is what
            the goddess within themselves. What                        sets your tone.
            is it? It’s the indescribable something
            that makes life “alive”, the creative                      So with what you're saying and what you're feeling and
            force, the love that permeates all. Call                   what you're meaning, the Universe doesn't listen to your
            it whatever you want. I celebrate it                       words, the Universe is responding to what you mean,
            with my paintings."                                        and what you mean is how you feel.

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