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articles here as well

                                   DEATH IS JUST A DOOR

                                 John Holland is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, radio host and a best seller author of: Power of the
                                 Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Me-
                                 dium, HIS latest book is Bridging Two Realms: Learn to Communicate With Your Loved Ones on the Other-Side (Hay
                                 House, 2018) Visit

                                 Death is not something to be     I know this sounds sci-fi but there are many different planes
                                 frightened of—it’s really just a   of existence. Quantum physics tells us that there are four di-
                                 door. I wrote my latest book,   mensions, but it’s really like 10. Science is just scratching the
                                 Bridging Two Realms: Learn to   surface. The spirit world, heaven, is on many different planes,
                                 Communicate With Your Loved     intermingling with our own. We’re in the densest physical
            Ones on the Other-Side,  to help those who have      plane here on earth.
            lost people to know that they’re still connected, as   We are both spiritual beings and physical beings. Your soul
            well as to help those who are curious and want to    existed long before it incarnated, and it’s going to exist long
            take communicating with the other realm more seri-   after it leaves your body. In reality, there is no death. Many
            ously. It’s for the bereaved, for mediums, and even   people look at death as being incredibly sad, and they worry
            for skeptics.                                        about their loved ones on the other side. They’re fine—we who
                                                                 are still here in the physical plane are the ones who aren’t
            When people talk to someone who is departed, many look   fine.
            up and say something like, “Hello, Mom,” or “Hello, God.”
            But they’re not up there in the clouds. The spirit world is all   More and more people are now open to the existence of the
            around us. It vibrates at such a high frequency that we can’t   afterlife. If I can say something in a reading that only the per-
            see it.                                              son who has passed could have told me, the person I’m reading
                                                                 for can go home reassured. I can’t take away their grief, but I
                                                                 can open their minds just a little to the reality that their loved
                                                                 ones really are okay. I then feel I’ve done my job.
                                  However, you don’t have to go to a medium to hear from a
                                    development-classes          departed loved one. After Death Communication (ADC) is a
                                                                 researcher’s term for signs from the other side to let loved
                                                                 ones know that the person who has passed is still there. ADCs
            To Promote the Religion,  ON-GOING  PSYCHIC/MEDIUM   are not done through mediums. You experience them yourself.
              Science, and Philosophy   SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES                                    Something touches your heart when this happens and you
                of Spiritualism                                  think, I just know that was my mother.

                                The Villages ~ New Series        Most of us have had some form of ADC, but we don’t always
                                                                 know it. ADCs can come in many forms, the most common be-
                                   begins in November            ing dreams. When you’re asleep, your conscious mind takes a
                                                                 break so it’s easier for those on the other side to slip in to your
                                                                 subconscious. They often appear as younger, healthier, and
                                    Gainesville ~ December 8th   vibrant. These are usually colorful dreams and are often very
                                                                 short. If you’re lucky, you get a hug.
                 IFSK Director      Orlando ~ December 9th
                Marilyn Jenquin                                  ADCs can also involve scents. A house may be suddenly filled
                 Private           Melbourne ~ December 4th
                Readings                                         with the aroma of tobacco, and it turns out that the father
             BY APPOINTMENT      Check website for complete details                                     of the person who lives there smoked a pipe. A woman told
                                                                 me that one day in December, her house filled with the scent
                                                                 of roses. It happened to be the anniversary of her mother’s
                                                                 passing, and her mom had grown prize roses. Initially, the
                             woman thought the scent was air freshener from her neighbor.
             407-247-7823                  I giggled when she told me that, and I said, “No, that wouldn’t
                                                                 fill up your whole house!”

                                                                                        ...continued on page 26

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