Page 13 - 12-18-Issue
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Jamie Coulston is a family man, a former boxer and a jeweler by trade. After his older sister Tracy died
from cancer, he found himself spiraling down to a dark and scary place. Because of his fighting background,
he knew he couldn't stay down for too long. This is when he started to put together his top 10 tips. He has
now made friends with anxiety and depression and see them as great indicators as to when he's not thinking
healthy. On Facebook, go to his group Don’t Fuel It, Cool It.
Anxiety and depression has helped me understand 6. How every posture has a corresponding psycho emotional
my brain and body better. I know now, that it's not state and also changes your hormonal balance. (power poses).
real fear! It's irrational fear! There's no real danger,
Ive been here before and I know it's going to be 7. The causes and effects that inflammation can have on the
ok. (That's not saying it doesn't feel real, because it certainly body and brain.
8. I've found that if I write down all the good I see in my day
And it's not down to bad decisions and choices. Good and bad (thankful and grateful journal) it helps me think and feel more
are just individual interpretations of life experiences. The positive, rather than thinking impending doom all the time.
reason I felt like I was in pain all the time but couldn't explain But not to become to obsessed on being happy all the time.
why, is because the emotional pain and physical pain receptors Because striving for happiness can be very tiring.The constant
of the brain are intertwined. So it feels just as real as physical pursuit can have the opposite effect. Thinking of massive
pain! changes can be overwhelming. Day by day.
It is said that all fears come from the fear of death or the fear 9. If you can isolate the things that makes you feel worse, then
of losing the sense of self, as in going crazy, and fear is a driv- you can also spot the things that make you feel better. If you
ing force in dis-ease of both mind and body. are in the mindset of, "I could do better" all the time, this can
go against you, by making things unachievable. If you want to
Here are 20 things having mental health issues pushed me make lasting changes, then you need to start small.
to learn:
The problem with positive psychology, is that we have
1. How exercise is very important, even just a nice walk in distorted our thoughts about normal emotions like,
nature can do you the world of good (there is also a natural disappointment,sadness,anger, bereavement and so on. And
probiotic bacteria that is released in nature that is good for we've made happiness the be all and end all.
us) and Yoga stretching is great for my Vagus nerve and my
Psoas muscle. Both of them are related to the fight and flight
response. Exercise gives more time than it takes. I think that
exercise is the most powerful antidepressant. It improved hip-
pocampus and hypothalamus, both very important part of the ...continued on page 21...
brain when it comes to mental health.
2. Motion is emotion. It's about getting the issues out of the
tissues. I've learned about the Insular cortex, the Amygdala,
the Autonomic nervous system, the Reticular activating sys- Spiritual Services with
tem. Conditioned responses, limited beliefs, learnt helpless-
ness, downward comparisons and the victim mentality. Laura Beers
Individual/Group Messages
3. Compare leads to despair. from the Other Side
Spiritual Development Coaching
4. Breathing techniques. The breath is what connects the mind Psychic Medium,
and body. Motivational Speaker,
Spiritual Certified Coach, Ordained Minister
5. That over thinking can be so destructive. When all we do is
think about our own thoughts over and over again all day ever In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel
day, we begin to lose touch with reality and end up living in an 321-751-4766 By appointment
imaginary world. Don't spend too long in your head. Paralysis
by analysis.
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