Page 14 - 12-18-Issue
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FROM THE HEART                                       Jordin’s softball game reminded me of a story I heard about
                                                                 the French and German armies fighting each other in World
                                                                 War I. One Christmas both sides agreed to a cease fire, and
                           Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspi-  soldiers from both armies came into a small border town to a
                           rational books, including the bestselling A Course   tavern where they ate dinner together, drank wine, sang, and
                           in Miracles Made Easy. Become a certified profes-  enjoyed each other’s company. The next day they went back to
                           sional life coach through Alan’s transformational   shooting each other.
                           Life Coach Training beginning February 1, 2019.
                           For more information about this program, Alan’s   Yet for a moment in time those soldiers dropped their animos-
                           books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes,
                           online courses, and weekly radio show, visit   ity and joined. I hold this vision dear as a teaching in what we
                                     can all do if we are willing. If we can meet each other in the
                                                                 heart for a day, can we not do it for two days? Or a week? Or a
                     Guess Who’s Coming                          month? Or a lifetime?
                      to Christmas Dinner                        The popular and healing spiritual training A Course in Miracles
                                                                 began when two people who were odds with each other chose
                                                                 to join instead. Dr. Helen Schucman and Dr. Bill Thetford
            When I texted my niece Jordin, an attorney who       were research psychologists and professors at Columbia Uni-
            works as a public defender, she told me she was at a  versity’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. As is often the
            softball game. Every month, she explained, the town law-  case in academia, the two were immersed in egoistic power
            yers get together with the inmates at the local prison, along   struggles, competition, and backbiting. One day Dr. Thetford
            with the guards, and play softball. I was jarred to hear this,   came to Dr. Schucman, and told her, “Helen, there must be a
            as I usually think of lawyers, guards, and inmates as being in   better way.” Helen agreed, which changed the entire dynamic
            adversarial positions. They are too busy fighting and being   of their relationship.
            angry with each other to enjoy each other.
                                                                 Soon afterward Helen began to hear a voice that gave the
            But not so in Jordin’s town. For a few hours each month, all   world A Course in Miracles  through her. Course scholars cite
            of these people rise above their social identities and come   the moment the two agreed to work together rather than
            together as equals on the same playing field. What a model   against each other, as the seminal moment that opened the
            for how good it can get if we let it!                door for entire Course to come to the world. Behold the power
                                                                 of sincere willingness to join.

                                                                 One Mother’s Day I saw my friend Danielle walking into a
                                                                 restaurant for brunch. “My husband and ex-husband are taking
                                                                 me out for Mother’s Day,” she told me. Odd, I thought, that
                                                                 these two men would join to support their current and former
                                                                 partner. “We all cooperate around taking care of the kids, so
                                                                 we thought we would celebrate,” she went on. What a won-
                                                                 derful demonstration of how we can choose to stay connected
                                                                 in relationships rather than use changes as an excuse to sepa-
                                                                 rate from each other. Even though we may choose to separate
               Experience This Peaceful Community Where Certified   physically, we can still join in spirit.
                    Mediums And Healers Are Available Daily
                                                                 One of the key lessons in my Life Coach Training Program is the
                       • Classes & Workshops     • Special Events  technique of reframing, taking a situation that seems daunting
                     • Historic Tours                   • Readings by Certified Mediums  and finding another way to look at it that is empowering. One
                       • Spirit Encounter Tours    • Certified Spiritual Healers
                                                                 of the trainees reported a reframe she had achieved: “Last
                      Wednesday Message Service, Colby Temple 7pm  weekend my ex-husband, who now had a girlfriend, came to
                      Sunday Adult Lyceum, Davis Bldg 9:30-10:15am  my house to drop off our daughter after she had spent a few
                      Sunday Message Service, Davis Bldg 12:30-1:30pm  days with her dad. As the girl was exiting the car, the girlfriend
                      Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Bookstore      gave her a hug and kiss and said, ‘I love you.’ When I heard
                              & Welcome Center                   that, my heart sank. I felt like this woman was attempting to
               Largest Selection of Books of Spiritualism, Metaphysics and Meditation  replace me as my daughter’s mother.
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                                                                 “When I thought about it more, I realized that it was a won-
                    Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm   Sunday 11:30am - 5pm  derful thing that my daughter had another loving parental
                Camp Booksore 386-228-2880 • Camp Office 386-228-3171  influence, how nice that his woman chose to reach out and
                      1112 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706
                 10% off                                         support my daughter. I realized that we are not in competition
                with this
                 ad                   with each other, but we are all devoted to the welfare of my
                                                                 daughter. Seeing the situation that way made me feel a lot
                                                                 better. I now appreciate my husband’s new partner.”
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