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THIS MONTH’S                        Winning the House of Representatives means the Democrats
                                                                 now control the Ethics Committee, the Judiciary Committee,
                                THOUGHTS                         the Oversight Committee, the Intelligence Committee and
                                                                 the Ways and Means Committee. It’s a good balance to a Re-
                                                                 publican Senate.
                                                                 Some were irked to find out friends didn’t vote. Don’t drive
                                  THINGS...                      yourself crazy over what someone else does or does not
                                                                 do. People WANT to WANT to do better, but it takes so much
                                                                 effort to get off the couch or back away from the bong.  Not
                               “In the company of one who is living
                               Love, you can’t help but spring into   everyone has it in them.  Not everyone can self discipline to
            Andrea de Michaelis  that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  do the things that make their life better.
                                                                 No matter what your situation, there is always something you
            HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE DECEMBER 2018 HO-           can do, something you can contribute, someone you can help
            RIZONS MAGAZINE. How about them midterms, huh? To    if you choose. All you have to do is set it -- anything -- in mo-
            everyone who got triggered by election results, this too shall   tion and the Universe will take over once you get rolling. You
            pass. Think of it as a good lesson in surrendering, going with   have to take responsibility for getting in and starting the car,
            the flow and offering it up. Many of my candidates lost this go   then the universe will guide you to your next destination. And
            round. It happens. My experience is no matter the state of the   while we're on the topic of responsibility:
            economy, no matter who's in office, I can find a way to go with
            the flow and thrive despite circumstances and events going   TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, STOP ASSIGNING BLAME
            on around me. A recount is being called for and no matter the   A friend was caught on video at a check cashing counter tak-
            outcome, we'll be fine. It's only for a few years, it's not forever  ing money that did not belong to her. They arrested her at
                                                                 home later that day. She hired an attorney to try to get charg-
            Despite significant wins for the blue wave, the red tide rolled   es dropped as a malicious arrest, saying the cops followed
            in. This gives us a chance to rise above it all and recognize   her into her home without a warrant. She told me "the officer
            that no one has power over our feelings unless we give them   has ruined everything, because of him I lost my concealed
            the power. We can find something to be happy about anyway.   carry permit and lost out on a good job. His actions have
            The Blue wave took the House, more than 100 women will   caused a ripple effect. He's in for a rude awakening, I'll have
            serve in the House of Representatives for the first time in his-  his badge." She was serious that it was the officer's fault. She
            tory. It may not have been a tidal wave, but the Senate, while   forgot the part where she stole the money.
            red, had many firsts. The momentum generated helped oth-
            ers win their races, inspired us and gave us hope for the next                ...continued on page 27...
            election. Change is in the air. So is hope.

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