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Maya White is a Master Destination
                                 Astrologer and one of only 90 people in   HOROSCOPES
                                 the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy,
                                 a specialized branch of astrology which
                                 helps people find their perfect place on
                                 earth for love, prosperity, and personal   NOVEMBER 2017
                                 growth. She's also the creator of Easy
                                 Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay
                                 House. Visit Maya’s website and sign up to   Cusp dates are accurate for 2016. Sometimes the actual date the sun
                                 receive her weekly newsletter.   enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even
                                       the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2017.

            Aries – (March 20 – April 18) November is a complex month   Libra – (Sept 22 – October 21) November grants you a special
            Aries. This season offers immense breakthroughs, but you’ll   window to see into your future, Libra. First, though, you must
            have to stretch and command new territory in order to   sort through memories of the past, release what is lingering,
            achieve maximum success. The problem is you feel like you’re  and heal what still hurts. Last month brought you to a still point
            flying blind; and, therein lays the challenge. If you are braver,  and an opportunity for a fresh new start. Go with that energy –
            bolder, and more courageous than ever before, the world is   it’s real and your mission now is to step forward with clarity and
            your oyster. Go after the pearl; it’s yours for the taking.   conviction. Music helps you tune in to a positive flow.

            Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) This is a critical time to focus on   Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20) Neptune has had you in the grip of
            your health, Taurus. Do something every day to build a month   a marine fog for the past few months, and finally this month the
            of success and strength. Your body –mind connection is at an   Light breaks through. You needed the energetic rejuvenation
            all-time high, and you can rally for huge gains. Get serious   and repair, but now you can take action and express who you
            about addressing a long standing problem through a dynamic   really are. It’s time to rally and if you linger in the Netherlands,
            approach to cellular detox. Dig deep, release old emotions,   you risk signing up for an extended stay. You’re at a turning
            and you’ll see amazing results. Trust, do, be, and set free.   point and have a decision to make. Go, Scorpio.

            Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) Your instincts are usually great,   Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 19) Generosity and extra effort are
            but consider paying attention to insights offered by others this  par for the course this month. You may have to overlook (or
            time around. This is because Mercury, your ruling planet makes  overcome) a misunderstanding, so dig down into your friendly
            his annual sojourn through Sagittarius, the sign that rules your  nature and go for the big picture. Speak when necessary, but
            personal and professional relationships. You’ll want all hands   avoid thinking out loud.   Distractions are as abundant as leaves
            on deck for the full moon of November 18th; after that, a   on a tree, but go for the fruit, Sag; harvest those sweet, ripe
            breezy opportunity comes through on the 25th.       apples that you’ve been cultivating for so long.

            Cancer – (June 20 – July 21) Finally you can breathe a sigh   Capricorn – (December 20 – January 18) You may have to show
            of relief as the stars move into an easier flow with your   who’s the boss when Mars squares Pluto on November 19th. This
            watery nature. With both Jupiter and the Sun in Scorpio   has to do with your work, career, or even social standing, and
            you’re golden; even Venus is shining her Love Light on your   the way out is the way through. Making ‘nice’ has a time and
            for much of this month. Matters around home and family are   place, but Mars is going to ask you to finish the job. Think like
            still unsettling, but there will be some resolution by the end of  Chiron and practice the charm of disarmament; no need to act
            the month. Overall, November delivers clarity and good will,   like the bull in a china closet, rather, be a wise mentor.
            combined with prosperity – focus on the good things!
                                                                Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) Trust your innate
            Leo – (July 22 – August 21) There is still a backlog of pesky   wisdom when confronted with a provocative situation this
            details that need your attention – the good                     month. There is a deeply karmic tone to the
            news is that you can place a stamp of finality on               decisions you make now, so choose carefully.
            one old problem. And, there’s more good news                    Whatever you do, don’t sign up for more of the
            because this month delivers a glow of security                  ‘same-old’. The truth is: you’ve paid your dues,
            to your home and family.  Finances are a bit                    and it’s time to move on. Fill the empty space
            frustrating, but right now your cornucopia is filled            with self-love, and remember that your birthright
            with the blessings that even money cannot buy.                  is a life of clarity and joy.

            Virgo – (August 22 – September 21) The Light                    Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) This is a great
            of November shines with a vintage glow for you.                 time period for your sign. Pay attention especially
            After having been retrograde since June, Neptune                around Nov 13th when Venus and Jupiter join
            stations direct. Think of this like a ship out to               forces in your solar 9th house of wisdom and
            sea that is returning your dearly loved one back                attunement. Something rich is coming into your
            home. Life takes on a golden quality enhanced                   life; it may be a new person, a new way of
            by the waning rays of the sun. Allow the love you               ‘being’ in the world, or even a new business idea.
            feel in your own heart to expand outward into the               Look around at the gifts you already have, and
            world. Life is good; love is best.                              count your blessings. Many more are on the way.
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