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                     ABRAHAM ON LIVING THE LIFE
                        THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU

            What happens with so many humans is that they are trying to
            figure out what behavior is right and what behavior is wrong.
            And we say, it kind of depends on where you are in relationship
            to where you want to be. Aren't there a lot of factors that
            equal whether this is the path of least resistance or a path of   Everything that you have ever wished or dreamed or hoped
            more resistance?                                     for, must become a specifically manifested reality enough that
                                                                 everyone who is looking at you from whatever vantage point
            And, really, can anybody else in the whole wide world tell you   they are, will have to admit that you have got some sort of
            what your path of least resistance is? They don't know what   magic going on. Because you'll be living entirely differently
            you've been living, they don't know what you've carved out,   than almost everybody else.
            they don't know what you didn't like and what you did like
            and what you've created in this vibrational reality which is      ABRAHAM ON HEALING
            where your inner being stands. They don't know what you have
            vibrationally evolved to, and they don't know where you stand   Healing is a word that we don't even like, that is absolutely
            in relationship to it, and they don't really know how you feel   inaccurate, and has nothing to do with what is really
            even though you've tried to tell them often how you feel. They   happening. Healing is nothing more than allowing the natural
            don't really get it - they've just got their distorted perspective   state of wellness, but the word healing distorts it because it
            of how you feel.                                     gives the attention to what is wrong. All of you are many more
                                                                 times healthy than you are ill, even those of you who have
            So as you begin taking a poll, "What do you think I should do?   been diagnosed as terminally ill. You are many times more well
            What do you think I should do? What do you think I should do?"   than you are ill.
            then you give up your own guidance system, and you lose your
            ability to sense your own path of least resistance, and then   There is not such a thing as healing. We would say there is
            you're just kind of all over the place, making decisions that   such thing as acknowledging your wellbeing, or acknowledging
            don't serve you, with no long-term, obvious improvement in   the lack of it. Acknowledging the well-being brings about   continued on page 31...
            your life experience. But when you get it that you've been   wellness, acknowledging the lack of it brings about illness. It
            carving out a very clear perspective of who you are, and that   is as simple as that. Wherever you have your attention is what
            you are supposed to thrive and you are supposed to feel good   your body is doing.
            and you are supposed to be happy, and that, vibrationally
            speaking, that non-physical part of you is.          Your society for the most part has you looking at illness and
                                                                 guarding against it, with doctors offering free check-ups just to
                                                                 come and probe a little, just to see if they cannot find just the
                   ABRAHAM ON SELF-APPRECIATION                  slightest little clue of something, something to get you back
                                                                 in there for a second time and the third time and the fourth
            You are such realists, and you care about what other people   time; something to get your thoughts focused upon something,
            are saying. You care about how other people are approaching   some sort of seed of doubt to plant within you. And we say,
            you. You care about what their opinion of you is. And we care   why would you want to look for something you don't want to
            only about you harmonizing with the opinion of the Source   find?
            within you, who knows you are magic. Who knows you are
            worthy. Who knows that you can be or do or have anything.   We encourage you to look for your wellness. Are there wellness
            Who knows that you can establish a point of attraction, and   clinics? Are there places that you go and talk about how good
            everything else will fill in.                        it is? Are there places where you go and talk about how good
                                                                 it feels to be in your skin? Are there places that take naps
            In other words - it will look like magic to those who are   together, and when they awaken they all bask in the spirit of
            watching you, when you find alignment with the fullness   well-being and feel the comfort of the mattress beneath, and
            of who you are, and practice the vibration of it frequently   breathe in the air and feel of that? Or are most of these clinics
            enough that you know the power of your being.        illness clinics?

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