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P. 26

ABRAHAM-HICKS                                ABRAHAM ON BEING IN HARMONY
                                                                           WITH WHO YOU REALLY ARE

                                                                 Fear, guilt, anger, jealousy, shame - any of those things that
                                 ...continued from page 9        you call negative emotion exist when you are experiencing
                                                                 the absence of your connection with who you really are. And
                                                                 yes, it is because of what you're thinking about. When you feel
                                                                 negative emotion that you call guilt - let us say that you shoot
                                                                 someone, they made you mad so you shot them - you would
                                                                 have that feeling come over you. Many would say the feeling
                                                                 comes over you because you've done something wrong. We say
             ABRAHAM ON FOLLOWING YOUR OWN PATH                  get it out of the arena of doing things wrong and get it into
                                                                 the arena of being out of harmony with who you really are,
            "Esther had some friends at one of her houses a few months   for there are instances where you may shoot someone that
            ago, and she gathered everything under the sun, because she   you would not have that feeling come over you because it is in
            wasn't sure what anybody wanted to eat. And so the cupboards  harmony.
            were full of so much variety, that they could have stayed for 5
            months. And one of the people began talking about the things   We say you cannot catalog behavior or actions into right or
            she does not want to eat, and everything she mentioned that   wrong - it has only to do with the harmony. And the harmony
            she did not want to eat, Esther went and got one of them out   includes you, and your intentions and beliefs, and your
            of the cupboard and put it on the table. Esther was wanting to   greater knowing. What we would encourage you to do is stop
            demonstrate that you get what you talk about here and you get  labeling it as guilt or anger or frustration, and just call it I'm in
            what you think about. That was part of what she was wanting   harmony or I'm not. And when you're not in harmony, identify
            to say, but Esther said in a rather bold way to everyone that   what it is that you are wanting and lead yourself back to that.
            was gathered around, that she had all of this food that was
            considered not healthy by this person: "Well, don't eat it if
            you don't want to, but don't talk about how bad it is while   ABRAHAM ON ACKNOWLEDGING
            I'm eating it, because if you want to spoil your own fun           THE WONDER OF LIFE
            that's fine by me, but don't spoil everybody else's fun."
                                                                 You wake up in the morning, and rather than lying there and
            And we really want to say this in a powerful way, instead of   basking in the spirit of wellbeing for a little bit, feeling how
            trying to decide what everybody should be eating or thinking   good the bed feels beneath you and enjoying the feel and
            or doing, rather than trying to come to the same conclusions   smell of your pillow for just another moment, and feeling the
            about what's right or wrong or what's healthy food or what's   fabric upon your skin, and feeling the first conscious air inside
            not healthy food, instead make the decision to come into   your body, instead of doing that, most of you zoom right out
            alignment, where you'll be inspired from where you are. As you  into the day and begin contemplating things that you don't
            are moving along your path, your Inner-Being always knows   want or that you can't deal with right now, and then you are
            where you are in relationship to everything you want. we don't   launched in that sort of direction, so that your vibration is in
            just mean where you are time wise, we mean where you are   that place and usually attracting more.
            vibrational wise, where you are in the ability to decipher it
            wise, where you are in the ability to be able to perceive it   And by the time you're in your day, it's running rampant, out
            wise. And let's just say it, and we mean it lovingly and with   of control. And so you walk around with sort of sick feeling
            no judgment about it, You are where you are and you stand   in your stomach saying, "Where did I go wrong?" And we say,
            with the beliefs that you hold, and that's alright. And your   usually you went wrong the first two or three thoughts in the
            Inner-Being knows where you stand with the beliefs that you   morning by not holding enough control, by not smelling enough
            hold, and your Inner-Being will inspire you to the path of least   roses, by not looking for enough reasons to feel good early
            resistance.                                          enough, and so the old pattern has carried you away.

            And so what you may eat today on your path to where you   We would encourage you to write in your book of positive
            want to be, may not be the thing that you will always eat, but   aspects every morning. We would encourage you to lie in
            it's the path of least resistance today. But most of you don't   your bed for at least five minutes and acknowledge wonderful
            allow yourself the benefit of that kind of divine and precise   things. We would encourage you to bring to your bedroom
            guidance, instead you're looking around concerned with what   pictures that please you, music that pleases you, bask in your
            everybody else is doing, you're comparing what everybody else   breakfast longer, take more time to ready yourself and enjoy
            is doing to what you're doing and worrying about the results of   your bath and that sort of thing. In other words, pamper
            it, instead of following the inspiration."           yourself more; look for more pleasure before you get there so
                                                                 that you have a momentum where you are the evoker instead
                                                                 of them being the evoker.
                                                                                      continued on page 27...

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