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            Our mind should be open and free, not obsessed with expan-  The streets were jammed and as we were sitting in the car
            sion, fear, doubt, worries or anger brought on by comparing   waiting, the rain stopped.  I suddenly noticed the mild sunlight
            and competing and thereby feeling bad.  We do not need to   pouring down on the refreshed green grass at the side of the
            analyze our minds, just make them fully conscious.    road and felt instantly embraced by happiness. It was an
                                                                 effortless happiness, no struggle. I felt almost as if I was float-
            If we can practice this, we can experience the same amount   ing. I hadn’t had a euphoric vision or anything else that could
            of pleasure from doing something as simple as ironing - the   be described as ‘extraordinary,’ only a sudden awareness of all
            movements of the hand and the iron, the hiss of steam, the   things in the world.  It was like a gift to me from the Divine.
            disappearance of wrinkles. We can listen to some great music
            while we treat our clothes to steam – generated by a solid   I looked at it as a child might see with wonder and delight. I
            reliable iron.  Before we know it, a pile of wrinkled laundry   had no complaint about the traffic jam. The urgency vanished,
            turns into a crisp, clean wardrobe for the week ahead. And we  there was no separation between me and the rest of the world
            are as refreshed as our clothes! As we know, our emotions have  and I became one with the totality. When we slow down and
            an effect on our blood pressure and immune systems. When   put our minds and bodies at ease and pay attention to each
            ironing in a state of anger, for instance, we miss spots, drop   ordinary task, we invite love; we invite happiness. I wasn’t
            things, splash water, even burn ourselves.  On the other hand,   in the running for a grand prize and national recognition for
            when we are at ease we move with greater grace and skill. Try  my incredible capacity to drive. I was just dropping off my
            it and see.                                          daughter at the mall. Daily meditation helps to remove my
                                                                 inner turbulence and replace it with peace, love and harmony.
            Watch how you move when you have thoughts and feelings of   It helps me to be more accepting, be sincere and respectful to
            anger. And watch how you move when you are content. It’s ok   everything that constitutes the experiences of an average or
            to get little angry sometimes, but we should avoid cultivating   ordinary life.
            it.  It is possible to sustain ease in our nature and enjoy life.
            I’ve learned to develop joy instead of fear and sorrow by being  In my eyes he who lives an ordinary life and can feel content is
            aware of my thinking (through meditative practices), and I’m   the most extraordinary person, and he who is dissatisfied and
            now able to apply this technique in most things that I do in   believes that he is extraordinary, always chasing for something
            everyday life regardless of where I am.  We think we have to   that he thinks will bring him happiness, albeit temporary, is
            wait until we win the lottery or live in a big house and earn a   the most ordinary. Our purpose should be to create a society
            big salary. Nothing could be further from the truth. The excite- where ordinary people can be happy doing ordinary things and
            ment experienced achieving goals like these often doesn’t last  flourish. This way we can have a richer, fuller, less harmful and
            long. Real happiness comes from somewhere else; it arises in   more satisfying society.
            the ordinary moments in everyday things.
                                                                 As Henry David Thoreau said,  "If one advances confidently
            In the east side of London, it showered heavily all morning   in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life
            today. My daughter asked me to give her a lift to the mall.   which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpect-
                                                                 ed in common hours."


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