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This month’s thoughts                  flesh.  I’ve learned the importance of having someone i(in the
                                                                 flesh) in my head to talk to, someone I feel appreciated and
                                about things...                  emotionally supported by.

                             “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING A CHEERLEADER
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 I’m also missing my friend DAC, who moved away in 2007. He
                                     ... from page 7 ..          was the best conversationalist and ultimate handyman. He
                                                                 knew how to fix anything mechanical, electrical, plumbing,
                                                                 he could build things out of wood, he was great with garden-
                                                                 ing and garden structures. He made sure my car was detailed
                                                                 before trips and checked oil and tire pressure. He took an
            As I scroll through the news feed, some Facebook friends are   interest in my work and my art, and gave me a lot of positive
            always making angry digs at someone. It's as though they don't   attention and appreciation.
            notice they continually give their power away by letting them-
            selves get riled up over whatever the other one did or said.   I don't realize how valuable having a cheerleader is until I am
            The haters love to look at your FB feed and see that you're   without one. Keeping me on track each day, reminding me
            ticked off and know they caused it. Stop giving them the sat-  what's important, reminding me I can make a difference. It's
            isfaction. Pretend it's not happening, don't even mention it.   that laser beam of attention that activates us, keeps us going.
            Just get on with the rest of your happy life and don't give them
            another thought. Sure that means you've got to change friends   WE CAN'T DEPEND ON SOMEONE ELSE TO CHEER US ON
            sometimes but it sure seems they're not friends anyway. Get   The thing is, we can't always depend on someone else to give
            your focus off of them and onto something more interesting   us attention to motivate us forward. We have to motivate
            and compelling. You're the one in charge of where you place   ourselves, we have to cheer ourselves on with our own posi-
            your focus. Neurologists claim that every time you resist acting   tive self-talk. You are already running self-talk in your head 24
            on your anger, you're actually rewiring your brain to be calmer   hours 7 days a week, make sure you program it with words and
            and more loving. How cool we can practice control like that.
                                                                 phrases that motivate you to do what you want to do.
                                                                     HOLDING THE VISION FOR  NEW NEIGHBOR
            After Hurricane Irma, I was relaxing on the back porch, bask-  As I was taking a walk recently I had a spidey sense flash that
            ing in the cool night air and enjoying the sound of the rain   someone at the end of my block will be selling their home.
            on the roof when I suddenly felt anxious for my friends who   I don't know who it will be, but what I can do is hold the vi-
            are still waterlogged. So do I not allow myself to enjoy the   sion of what kind of neighbor I would like to have. I would like
            rain because it's bringing distress to friends? Or can I keep my   them to be someone who is kind, honest and open-minded and
            attention on the fact of what I am personally feeling in the   it would be great if they were really into gardening. Maybe
            moment (contentment) without turning my attention to dire   they are a private person, maybe monkish but they enjoy talk-
            circumstances someone else has experienced in the past or   ing and sharing about their garden as I do. Maybe they also are
            anticipating the distress someone else may experience in the   an artist of some sort, someone I can be inspired by. Maybe
            future? I'm allowed to have compassion for their plight and still  they also like to do little handyman projects around the house
            enjoy myself in the moment. Me dimming what light I find   and have gotten good at that. Maybe they'd be delighted to
            does not illuminate the path for others.             let me pay them to do handyman and yard work from time to
                                                                 time! The possibilities are limited only by my imagination.
                                                                   LEAVING ROOM IN MY MIND FOR IMAGINATION
            I'm missing a friend who passed although our interaction re-
            cently was mostly in my mind rather than in person.  I'd see   I just cleared 44 images off my desktop. A publisher, I use the
            him at the beach early mornings, we'd chat, we've known each  desktop as a staging area until files have served their purpose.
            other 20 years. Mostly, though, I'd visit with him in my mind   Often I leave them there cluttering the screen until I can't find
            and I was surprised to find it was almost every morning. I'd   something I'm looking for. I don't always notice they hinder my
            wake up and think of a ride to the beach where I knew I'd see   progress. My thoughts are the same way sometimes, cluttering
            him. Then a conversation would ensue in my head, picking up   up the foreground and hindering my progress. Some thoughts
            on whatever our last conversation was. I'd say this and he'd   I definitely need to get me from "here" to "there" but many
            probably say that. Often I wouldn't go to the beach yet I felt   thoughts are outdated and simply running on a loop because
            we'd visited anyway, since in my mind we did. It wasn't until   I've never deleted them from rotation. Daily meditation lets
            he passed that I realized what a daily occurrence my thoughts   me look at my mental cache twice a day and recycle what's
            about him were. I realize it now because I've felt loss and grief  no longer useful. When I skip a few sessions, I notice my
            every morning since he passed, knowing we'll have no more   thoughts (and my Facebook feed!) blowing up with nonsense.
            in-these-bodies visits in this lifetime.             The remedy? Return to the path, hand to the plow, hit the
                                                                 mat. Enjoy our offering this month.
            In 2013, I lost a childhood friend who'd been my life long con-  Hari Om.
            fidante, the one I spoke to most in my head. When he passed,                         Andrea
            I had to rewire my mind to someone currently alive and in the
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