Page 7 - Horizon October 2017
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THIS MONTH’S                         built it with 2x6 construction, not 2x4 and it weathered cat-
                                                                 egory 3 Hurricane Jeanne in 2004 which had 115mph winds. A
                               THOUGHTS                          category 5 has winds of 155 but I still feel safe here.
                                                                 I wrote on Facebook that Florida is only 160 miles wide so we
                                   ABOUT                         were all going to get at least 74mph winds for the maybe 12
                                                                 hours it takes the storm to pass. No need to freak out if you're
                                 THINGS...                       shuttered up. Lock windows if not, if you can get something to
                                                                 cover the window (dresser, etc.) then do, close interior doors.
                                                                 Put electronics on tables in case you get some water. Remem-
                                 “In the company of one who is living   ber the storm will slow as she crosses land.
            Andrea de Michaelis  Love, you can’t help but spring into   A friend in High Springs -- center of the state nearer north
                                 that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
             Publisher in 2016
                                                                 Florida -- offered us a place to stay if we evacuated. Having
                                                                 that as a contingency plan allowed me to relax into a state of
                                                                 mind where I felt we'd be fine right here. I've had the lesson
            Hello and welcome to the October 2017 Horizons       of evacuating for what turns out to be a target area. I've been
            Magazine. The big news recently was the journey      stranded for weeks out of town waiting for gas to get to the
            Hurricane Irma took us on. I make it a point to study the   stations so I could fill up and go home. I wanted to take my
            weather myself and go on Facebook and try to dispel fears   chances in my own community here. I feel I've been placee
            the news and weather is shouting at us during the season.   here for a reason so to leave didn't make sense (this time.)
            I make sure my home is prepared and emergency supplies
            stocked months in advance. I've learned that lesson. I review   In 2004 for Hurricane Frances, I evacuated at the last minute
            the National Hurricane Center and other hurricane reports   for Franklin, NC. I was glad my van broke down in Lake City,
            when they come out at 2, 5, 8 and 11 am and pm, and sum-  FL. Had I gotten to Franklin, I would have been caught in
            marize what it means to me and my area. I do my best to be   worse weather, and flood. That made me leery of leaving and
            a voice of reason when the screen is shouting dramatic, scary   as it turned out, my intuition was correct. High Springs had to
            and untrue headlines at us. I was hopeful we'd miss the brunt   evacuate due to the Santa Fe River rising, causing flooding.
            of it in the 32909 and I was right. I'm prepared here for a
            hurricane, cat food, cat litter, bottles of water, headlamps,           ...continued on page 16...
            weather radio, batteries. I feel safe in my home, my uncle

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