Page 4 - Horizon October 2017
P. 4

To welcome                                             2401 N. Harbor City Blvd
                               all people                                                       Melbourne, FL 32935
                                  and                                                          321.254.0313
                              our oneness                                               SUNDAY Services
                                with God                                                9:30 and 11:00am
                                  Rev.                                                    Sunday school at 11:00am
                                Beth Head                                                  Child care both services
                              welcomes you      A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
            Tuesdays Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 9/45-11:45am
            The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself  Sunday, October 22nd, 9:30 and
            with Maggie Rosche. Explore Unity Principles and your sacred humanity.   11:00am Sunday lesson: Power of the
            Study Guide available in library.  Suggested offering $20.  Spoken Word, Rev. Teresa Weingarten
                                                             Sunday, October 22nd 12:30 pm –
            Sunday, October 8th 9:30 and 11am Living From The Center  1:30pm God’s Will: Why Can’t I Do
            Speaker: Valarie Parson                          It My Way? with Valarie Parson and
            Sunday, October 8th 12:30 pm – 1:30pm            Rev. Teresa Weingarten. Got “QUES-
            The Silence: Connecting with Your Inner Power    Tions?” Join our power-packed hour of
            with Valarie Parson. Suggested love offering $20.  discussion as we find meaning on the
                                                             journey and help others along the way.
            Monday, October 9th 6:30 PM  New Class: 4T Prosperity  Suggested love offering $20.
            Facilitator: Tim Hall 4T’s purpose is to teach us to put God first in all that we
            do, in order to experience miracles & change our lives.   Saturday, October 28th  10:00am – 12
                                                             noon Intentional Listening with Rev.
            Thursday, October 12th 6:30 – 8:00 Metaphysical Discussion  Ytonna Finnegan Suggested $20.
            Facilitator: Paul Esche, LUT. This is a time to discuss and learn to apply
            Spiritual Principles to your life as you share your thoughts with others or just   Sunday, October 29th 9:30, 11:00am
            listen to others share.                          Sunday Lesson: My Comeback with Rev. Ytonna Finnegan
                       Sunday, October 15th 9:30 and 11:00am The Power of   Sunday, October 29th 1-2:30pm Drum Circle with Fred Goodnight. Come and find your
                       Respect • Paul K. Chapell. How the three elements of   rhythm and have a great time. No experience necessary. Suggested love offering $20.
                       universal respect can protect ourselves and those around
                       us and unlock many of our human powers. Paul is the   Sunday, October 29th 1:00pm DVD New Rules for End of Life Care: A guide on the
                       author of the Road to Peace series, a seven-book series   stages of death. Caring for someone as they approach the end of their life is not the
                       about waging peace, ending war, the art of living, and   same as caring for someone who is going to get better.  Unfortunately, most people don’t
                       what it means to be human. Chappell serves as the Peace   know this.  Join us for this discussion. Suggested love offering $20.
                       Leadership Director for the Nuclear Age Peace Founda-
                       tion. Lecturing across the country and internationally, he   Thursday, November 2nd 6:30pm  A Hallowed Evening: Celebrating Love
                       teaches courses and workshops on Peace Leadership   Join us on All Soul’s Day for a “Holy Eve” general memorial service honoring departed
            and Peace Literacy.  Chappell has sought answers to the issues of war   loved ones and life’s losses with readings, song, silence, and a meditative ritual. At this
            and peace, rage and trauma, and vision, purpose, and hope. His website is   contemplative service you are invited to bring a picture or memento and, if so moved,
                        speak a brief tribute. Call Maggie for more information at 321-917-2993. Suggested love
                                                             offering $20.
            Sunday, October 15th 1:00 – 3:00pm
            Workshop: A New Peace Paradigm: Our Human Needs and the Tangles      ONGOING EVENTS
            of Trauma Paul upends Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with a new and sur-  First Sunday of the Month - Reiki Healing Service after both Sunday Service
            prising understanding of the human condition that holds the key to peaceful   Second Friday Night – Game Night 6:30pm
            conflict resolution in the home, the community, and the larger world.  Third Sunday of the Month – mini service at WAVECREST 2:30pm
                                                                          Noon Prayer Service Tuesdays and Thursdays
            Monday, October 16th – Thursday October 19th. Southeast Unity   Tuesdays – Course In Miracles 7:00pm
            Ministries Conference. Great speakers:  Paul K Chappel, Martha Creek,   Wednesdays – Meditation with Jenny 7:00pm
            Sidney Andrews, and Mark Siljander, and Susan Miner.           Wednesdays – Melbourne LBGT AA 6:30pm
            All are welcome.  Call 321-431-0637 for more information.

                Join us in a Journey of Spiritual Discovery

                                        Merritt                                               SUNDAY
                                        Island                                               MORNINGS
                                    Sunday Services
                                       10:00 am
                                                                                                Rev. Mark
                                                                  The New Way POD               Pasqualino
             Listen to our Sunday talks online                     The Aquarian Building
                   MINISTER   238 Peachtree St in Cocoa
             4725 N. Courtenay Parkway                Rev. Rose M.   Come find what you’re
             Merritt Island, Florida 32953                   missing
             321-452-2625           Email  321-543-0058
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