Page 9 - Horizon October 2017
P. 9

lotsa of hicks articles here
         see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
         AbrahamHicks trascriptions here

                              Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers,
                              speaking their broader  perspective through
                              Esther Hicks.    Author of Ask & It Is Given,
                              The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The
                              Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
                              All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
                              Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,
                              visit         Kornucopia                     386-963-4898
                                                                   12093 CR 137 • Wellborn, FL 32094
                ABRAHAM ON HEALING                                 Tues thru Fri 10am - 5pm, Saturdays 10am - 3pm
                                                                   Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Chime Candles,
                                                                   Sage, Incense, Tarot Cards,  Jewelry, Books, More
            Healing is a word that we don't even like, that is
            absolutely inaccurate, and has nothing to do with
            what is really happening. Healing is nothing more than
            allowing the natural state of wellness, but the word healing
            distorts it because it gives the attention to what is wrong.   ANGEL PSYCHIC
            All of you are many more times healthy than you are ill,
            even those of you who have been diagnosed as terminally   “The Psychic Psychics Go To”
            ill. You are many times more well than you are ill.            1-323-466-3684
                                                                        True Answers + Real Results
            There is not such a thing as healing. We would say
            there is such thing as acknowledging your wellbeing, or
            acknowledging the lack of it. Acknowledging the well-being
            brings about wellness, acknowledging the lack of it brings
            about illness. It is as simple as that. Wherever you have
            your attention is what your body is doing.

            Your society for the most part has you looking at illness and
            guarding against it, with doctors offering free check-ups
            just to come and probe a little, just to see if they cannot
            find just the slightest little clue of something, something
            to get you back in there for a second time and the third
            time and the fourth time; something to get your thoughts
            focused upon something, some sort of seed of doubt to
            plant within you. And we say, why would you want to look
            for something you don't want to find?

            We encourage you to look for your wellness. Are there
            wellness clinics? Are there places that you go and talk about
            how good it is? Are there places where you go and talk
            about how good it feels to be in your skin? Are there places
            that take naps together, and when they awaken they all   Spiritual Services with
            bask in the spirit of well-being and feel the comfort of the
            mattress beneath, and breathe in the air and feel of that?   Laura Beers   Shift your Mind,
            Or are most of these clinics illness clinics?                            Enlighten your Body
                                                                                    & Connect your Spirit
            THE ESSENCE OF EVERYTHING THAT YOU                                       Psychic Medium,
            WANT IS FULLY ACTIVE IN YOUR VORTEX                                     Motivational Speaker,
                                                                                   Spiritual Certified Coach,
            So, what we wanna convince you about today is that the                   Ordained Minister
            essence of everything that you want is fully active in your           In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel
                                                                                   321-751-4766 By appointment
                              ...continued on page 27...

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