Page 31 - Horizon October 2017
P. 31

COVER ART                                          ABOUT THE

                      MOON DANCE                                  Holly Sierra’s illustra-

                           by Holly Sierra                        tions speak of that which
                                                                  is visually enchanting
                                                                  with particular attention
                                                                  to decorative, mystical,
                                                                  historical and multicul-
                                                                  tural themes. Aside from
                                                                  a penchant for detail,
                                                                  the defining aspect of
                                                                  her work is her ability to
                                                                  combine her brand of
                                                                  realism with folk art and
                                                                  decorative fantasy elements.

                                                                  Were you to wander inside, you’d find Holly’s studio full
                                                                  of tributes to her interests ~ The Green Man, A Myriad
                                                                  of Gorgeous Goddesses, Indian Tapestries, Sun Faces,
                                                                  Icons, Ancient Runes, Mosaics, African and Asian
                                                                  masks, A Medicine Wheel, Southwestern Artifacts, Celtic
                                                                  Castings, Incense Ablaze and hundreds of BOOKS!
                                                                  Books on everything from the ancient world to elaborate
                                                                  herb gardens. As well, one might hear the melancholy
                                                                  strains of an old Irish Love song or Loreena McKennitt’s
                                                                  music playing softly in the background.

                                                                  Holly Sierra now makes her home in colorful Sedona,
                                                                  Arizona and finds the area very inspirational to her new
                                                                  work.  Starts with scenery that makes your heart leap...
                                                                  Sedona is nestled amidst a geological wonderland.
                           MOON DANCE                             Multi-hued stone formations rise upwards from the high
                                                                  desert floor creating a vivid, mesmerizing setting that
                      For quite some time memories of             changes hourly with the light.
                      tantalizing evenings in my youth,
                     Beltane Fire Dances and evocative            Regarded by Native Americans as sacred, Sedona
                      music from the past have banded             continues to be recognized as a place of healing and
                       together, urging me towards the            spiritual renewal. Many come to experience the vortex
                         creation of this painting.               energy centers, others to explore the art galleries and
                                                                  healing centers.
                      In the tradition of ‘King Harvest’
                      and Van Morrison’s ‘Moon Dance’             Holly is often found hiking or four wheeling amongst the
                      this painting captures the joyful           Red Rocks, if she is not busy attending a gallery open-
                       celebration of summer nights,              ing or supplying a local shop with Chrysalis Tarot Decks,
                       twinkling stars, good friends,             Greeting Cards or Canvas Prints!  Holly’s daughters,
                         free spirits and merriment               Gabi and Esme, as well as Pearl, a beautiful grey cat,
                           amongst the fireflies!                 help keep her company.  See her work at


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