Page 32 - Horizon October 2017
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HORIZONS MAGAZINE                              As hopeless as any situation feels,   When we think that the
             575 Escarole Street S.E.                       it‘s really only your thoughts that    world has unlimited
             Palm Bay, FL 32909-4802                          you’re dealing with.  And you       resources, our world
                                                            have the power to change those.        becomes unlimited.
                                                                    Louise Hay                      Ma Yoga Shakti

                            Visit Our Web Site:

                       Read Truth Journal, articles in several languages, and books in
                        Spanish. Listen to video and audio talks by Roy Eugene Davis.
                          Helpful information, updated news, meditation retreat and
                         seminar schedules, online ordering of books, DVDs and CDs.

                       Center for Spiritual Awareness offices and meditation retreat center
                       are in Rabun County 90 miles north of Atlanta. On 11 secluded acres
                       are six comfortable guest houses, a large Meditation Hall, the Shrine
                        of All Faiths Meditation Temple, library, learning resource center,
                                         bookstore, and publishing department.

                     Our spiritual director, Roy Eugene Davis, a
                     direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda,
                     has taught for more than sixty-five years in
                     North and South America, Japan, Africa,
                     Europe, and India. His books are published
                     in eleven countries.

                                 A free sample issue of Truth Journal may be requested from:
                            Center for Spiritual Awareness   PO Box 7   Lakemont, Georgia 30552
                         1-706-782-4723 weekdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
                                     An Enlivening Power is Nurturing Our Universe
                                          and We Can Learn to Cooperate With It
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