Page 29 - Horizon October 2017
P. 29

This month’s thoughts                  AN EXAMPLE: A FB friend wrote, "Many friends have sig-
                                                                 nificant loss and damage to their homes and weeks / months
                                about things...                  of hardship to face. If they do have insurance, it will take an
                                                                 act of Congress to get the insurance companies to honor their
                             “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   commitments and do the right thing." I find thoughts like that
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 are not looking for the good in the situation, so how can you
                                    ... from page 28 ..          receive the best result if you anticipate the worst? My experi-
                                                                 ence with insurance claims in the past is that when I keep
                                                                 good records and keep my insurance files with me in any disas-
                                                                 ter so I can get the insurer pics and descriptions immediately,
            BENNY MAKES A DARING ESCAPE                          the payout is quick and fair. It is just a different way of looking
            By 5am, winds outside had died down to 34            at a situation. I had problems in the past with a claim that
            mph so it was almost past us. I opened one           took a long time to process, mostly because I didn't have pho-
            of the doors to look outside and Benny ran           tos and descriptions. The good memory of that one was that
            out. I freaked and ran outside after him. I          they finally did pay.
            realized these winds would not be a danger
            for him as I walked two lots over to retrieve him from under   I SHARE MY EXPERIENCES TO SHOW YOU THERE'S
            the neighbor's car.                                  ANOTHER WAY OF THINKING/BEING IN THIS WORLD
                                                                 I like to details of my experiences and what I think about my
            When it was morning, we unshuttered and checked out the   experiences so that people can see there's another way of be-
            neighborhood: no flooding, no damage, we did not lose power.   ing and living and thinking. I'm always hopeful that whatever
            I drove to my rental at Holiday Park mobile community 2 miles  direction isomething takes, I will be led to handle it well.
            away. I saw only 3 units badly damaged. My tenant there had
            a panel of porch screen and a vertical blind come apart. Lucky  IS ONE PERSON BLESSED AND ANOTHER CURSED?
            once again. She had no damage from Hurricane Matthew last   A Facebook friend posted asking if one person is blessed does
            year. After Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne in 2004, the two   that mean another is cursed, example if a disaster hits one
            homes behind hers were totalled. My unit had a few dings in   house and leaves the one next door intact. I don't think one
            the siding. I can only believe we are lucky or that it works   has to do with the other.
            when we pray over these homes. Either way, we win.
                                                                 I think what we experience is as a result of our vibrational res-
                                     WHY DO SOME ESCAPE          onance.  Who knows what all goes into determining vibrational
                                     DAMAGE AND OTHERS           resonance? Seemingly mean and bitchy people can seem lucky
                                     DON'T? THIS "KILLER         while someone kind-hearted and generous can experience sor-
                                     CAT6 HURRICANE" DIDN'T  rows, so we know it has nothing to do with outward appear-
                                     EVEN MOVE MY CHAIRS         ance. Certainly our daily pattern of thought, optimistic and
                                     I'd posted on Facebook, "Okay   pessimistic, helps determine vibrational resonance /frequency.
                                     this "killer category 6 hur-
                                     ricane" that they scared us all   I think of vibrational resonance as what station am I tuned
                                     with? The morning after the   to on the radio dial? And it changes moment by moment and
                                     storm as I checked my yard,   thought by thought and there are things like past momentum
                                     I saw I did not move 4 plastic   (and perhaps karma) that factor into it as well.  Vibrational
                                     Adirondack chairs that I had   resonance plays a part in determining who's in harm's way and
                                     in the firepit area of the west   who escapes by the seat of their pants but that's not to say
                                     woods. They were all still in   that any luck or misfortune is the "fault" of the individual. It
                                     place, not even tipped over.   could be the default setting of someone who hasn't yet discov-
                                     Some FB friends were quick to   ered they can train their mind toward more hopeful expecta-
                                     remind me that not everyone   tion and thus change their future experience.  I don't know if
                                     did so well, some had a lot of   it has to do with anything but I always expect and believe
            destruction and some died. I am not diminishing in any way   there will be a positive outcome to situations and so far
            what someone else experienced. I had friends in other neigh-  that has been my experience.
            borhoods who got hit. My objection is to the hyper language   I was just thinking of that this
            the media feels they have to use to manipulate people. I do   evening as I walked through
            understand that a lot of people sustained damage. I do under-  the yard and noticed that so
            stand that a lot of people are only motivated to action when   many of my Turk's Cap bushes
            they're scared into it.                              still have flowers. Wow. Some
                                                                 of my neighbors after Hur-
            LOOKING FOR THE GOOD ATTUNES ME TO INNER             ricane Irma don't even have
            GUIDANCE   I have made it a lifetime mission to train my   bushes anymore. Enjoy our
            mind to look for the good in each situation, because I have   offering this month.
            learned that 'optimistic practice' allows me to stay more   Hari Om.
            closely attuned to inner guidance, which in turn allows me to   Andrea
            attract synchronistically positive outcomes and situations.
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