Page 26 - Horizon October 2017
P. 26

This month’s thoughts                  Thursday 9-7-17 at 9:00AM I moved my outdoor furniture into
                                                                 my shed and walked around the yard bringing potted plants in-
                                about things...                  side. I moved the furniture and bbq off the back porch and into
                                                                 the shed. I washed my recycling and refuse bins and moved
                             “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   them into the shed. The shed is aluminum but it's firmly an-
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 chored, and it doesn't contain anything of value if it does blow
                                    ... from page 16 ..          away. I put important files in plastic bins up high. Insurance
                                                                 files go with me. I wanted things out of the way just in case
                                                                 and also didn't want to spend a bunch of time moving things
            We're staying and it feels safe to stay. If you feel led to go,   out of my way if I'm living there for a few days without power
            then go. My experience is resistance always has meaning. It   and running water. I have a portable solar shower. It looks like
            means somewhere else is more suited to your belief system.   we'll get off a little easy. I'm not nervous about staying.
            You can either leave or revisit your belief and see if it still
            serves you. If friends had me freaked and I believed I was un-  Friday 9-8-17 at 9:00PM  I glanced at the mainstream weath-
            safe, it wouldn't matter if I was or not, I'd get elsewhere.  er news for the first time in maybe a year and what a bunch
                                                                 of scary hype. No wonder folks are panicking. That's why I
            Positive thinking doesn’t mean look at the raging storm and   stick to the National Hurricane Center site at
            deny it’s happening. Positive thinking means look for the rain-  and now James Spann on FB and at, as well
            bow, know the storm will pass and until then spend your time   as Eric Berger at Irma has slowed
            in happy pursuits, planning a hopeful future.  Yes, even while   from 16mph to 12 mph and now going west. Pressure up to
            the storm rages on around you.                       930 (yay, rising is good.) She'll pass over us early Sunday -- we
                                                                 can't know what time until she landfalls. Then we can figure
            Seth thru Jane Roberts on How do we face a hurricane? A   the miles she is from landfall to where we are, divided by her
            handy quote is "You Make Your Own Reality", from Session   speed. When she begins passing over land, that will slow her
            614, 'The Nature of Personal Reality'. External experiences   down. We may have winds of just 85 I hear. If you're boarded
            are going to be the result of inner beliefs and emotions. By   up, stay optimistic, you're safer than you think.
            staying calm, trusting that you'll be safe and well, the outer
            conditions of your personal experience will shape themselves   Saturday 9-9-17  The man texted at 3am to see if I wanted to
            in accordance with those inner conditions. It isn't a matter of   go to WalMart, our daily pre-hurricane ritual but I was snooz-
            pretending, but KNOWING the outer state reflects the inner   ing. Then he was snoozing when I went at 7am. The Malabar
            one and trusting the outcome.                        Walmart was fully stocked. I've been making ice like crazy in
                                                                 case we lose power, and will put some in different large and
                                                Remember, no     small ice chests so we don't have to open the fridge to often.
                                                matter what is   Like the almond milk for morning cereal can go in a small ice
                                                going on, you can   chest with the cheese slices.
                                                have a completely
                                                different experi-  BLESSED BY 2 ANGELS IN WALMART PARKING LOT
                                                ence than friends   Leaving Walmart I got into a chat with another shopper and
                                                just inches away.  I  she told me not to be worried about this hurricane, we had
                                                think this is a very  one like it last year! I know, right??!! We spoke for a few min-
                                                comforting photo,   utes, her husband worried because it's his first, yet she knows
                                                Galveston after   it will be fine so she does her best to keep him calm. I said "we
                                                Hurricane Ike,   do our best to stay prepared and stay prayed up." Her eyes
                                                and it happens all   lit up and she asked if I would join her in a prayer. ABsolutely!
                                                the time after all   Another woman walked up and said, "I know a prayer circle
            sorts of disasters. There are some left standing. I intend to be   when I see one, I could use a prayer, may I join?" My heart
            among those left standing. I don't mind being in the cone of   filled to bursting with the blessing I got from these two.
            uncertainty as long as I remember I'm also in the hands of God. As the storm got closer, I knew that the more I could keep
                                                                 myself relaxed yet informed, the better attuned I'd stay to
            Wednesday 9-6-17 at 9am A friend came by to install my shut- inner guidance which would then lead me to being in the right
            ters. Mine are a little tricky because I have burglar bars that   place at the right time.  That's one reason I wanted to share
            you have to place them around. We talked and agreed that the  my commentary at each Hurricane Center Advisory.
            less we look at storm commentary the happier we are and the
            more we can enjoy the Now moment. There's no point worry-  If I got excited about wind speed dying down or barometric
            ing about it now AND later. But it took me about 40 years to   pressure going up, I wanted readers to know so they could get
            figure that out. The good thing about an event like a hurricane  excited about it, too.  If I know a storm will change course at
            is that it yanks us out of our normal modes of perception and   new moon when the moon crosses the equator, I want readers
            makes us focus on something else long enough that the Uni-  to know it also.
            verse can do its work of aligning us vibrationally with what we
            want next. It’s like it kind of resets our priorities for us like a           continued on page 28...
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