Page 28 - Horizon October 2017
P. 28

This month’s thoughts                  pending on Irma's wind speed. Make no mistake, Irma is a very
                                                                 large and dangerous storm but we're stronger than we think we
                                about things...                  are, we may be more prepared than we think we are and we're
                                                                 doing a lot better than we think we are. I make these updates
                             “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   because I like to know the location and storm specs without
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 hearing inflammatory commentary. If I watch it, the sound is
                                    ... from page 26 ..          off. When I can see it for myself without listening to someone
                                                                 else's opinion, it gives me the time and space to contemplate
                                                                 what it might mean for me. When I halt everyone else's com-
            The more excited they were in a hopeful direction, the better   ments, it allows my mind to relax enough so I can hear my
            attuned they'd stay to inner guidance which would lead them   inner guidance. When I can release resistance and follow inner
            to be in the right place at the right time as well.  guidance, I always end up in the right place at the right time.
                                                                 You, too.
            That's why I make it a mission to give out the info I do when
            we're all going through some stress together.  We were all   GOOD NEWS FOR MELBOURNE/PALM BAY
            placed here alongside each other to help each other so refram- 815AM Sunday 9-10-17  In their report for Orlando (an hour
            ing the news to highlight the positive aspects, the silver lining   NW of Melbourne), it shows we can expect 40mph+ wind gusts
            is how I choose to help.                             this morning thru Monday. We can expect 75mph+ wind gusts
                                                                 this afternoon thru Monday morning. We're getting off way
            Saturday 9-9-17 2:00PM NHC advisory 42A: Winds down to 125  lighter than we thought we would. We may not even lose pow-
            (yay), now a Cat3 moving West she has slowed to 9 mph, and   er.  So the outlook is positive for our area, we're still looking
            pressure has risen (yay) to 940. As of right now, we should be   good for an easy passage. Plan to be inside by 10am Sunday,
            getting stormy weather by 8 or 10 a.m. Sunday so that would   you'll be there until Irma passes us Monday.
            be a good time to get to where you're going to ride it out.
                                                                 I'm glad I stayed. For us here, this should be a ... breeze.  We
            Saturday 9-9-17 5:00PM IRMA update, NHC Advisory #43. Irma  should be getting some 74mph+ winds and rains by noon here
            slowed to a CAT 3 as she passed Cuba. Winds 125 (down from   in Melbourne/Palm Bay, it could be later or sooner depending
            130) at 2:00pm, moving WNW at 9mph (down from 12 mph.)   on Irma's speed. Get where you're going and settle in. Keep
            The pressure is 933 (down from 937.) So as Irma crosses the   your phones charged. Shower and wash your hair. Do the dish-
            Keys - 330 miles south of us -- what does it mean for us here   es, the laundry in case there are a few days without power.
            in Melbourne? It means we may begin feeling winds of up to   Report in, let us know how you're making the time pass. We're
            74mph by noon. So, we're still looking good for a safe passage.   all in this together.

            MORE STUFF TO SCARE US WITH -- IGNORE THE HYPE Local friends follow WFTV Chief Meteorologist Tom Terry,
            One fake news report claimed Florida Power & Light would   he predicted Matthew going west off our coast a new hours
            turn power off to keep from damaging the equipment. Not   before it did. Utility workers are on standby to deploy to each
            true! FPL said that isn’t the case and that it plans to continue   area as soon as Irma passes thru. You’ll see the convoys of
            providing power before, during and after the storm. "To be   their vehicles from all other states and they’ll flood into each
            clear, FPL has no plans to shut down power to its customers.   area and get you restored in short order. Wave to them when
            In fact, we have adequate power to continue serving all cus-  you see them on the road, they are our heroes! This storm can
            tomers. After the storm hits, our crews will begin working to   also dissipate at any moment, it happens all the time. STAY
            restore power as soon as conditions are safe.”       HOPEFUL. This is a good time to remind yourself of your best
                                                                 storm experiences instead of the worst.
            9-9-17 at 9:00PM I just finished putting up the shutters I leave
            for last, I love these translucent ones since they let the light   6:30PM Sunday 9-10-17  IT'S STARTING
            thru. I used to screw plywood to my wood siding which really   Winds of 28mph. Florida Today says peak winds will be 50-
            protects the windows but leaves the rooms cave dark when   60 mph with 80-100 mph gusts. Irma is coming straight north
            the power is out. I sealed up the cat door from the hallway   towards west Orlando around 2-3AM so that's probably, when
            and from the exterior wall so no wind blows into it. I ran dish-  we'll see the highest winds.  On FB, I saw posts of power out-
            washer and laundry and got everything prepped in case we're   ages and also power being restored in record time.
            without power and water for a bit. I always miss the a/c but I
            need electricity to work on the magazine. Invariably the neigh- 8:00PM Sunday 9-10-17 Winds of 42, gusts to 62 and it sounds
            bor across the street gets power right away and I'm able to   like it. Facebook friends all over my area were losing power
            run extension cords to get work done (and have a fan!) Life is   and having it come back on pretty quick.
            good, I have no complaints whatsoever.
                                                                 9-11-17 I tracked the storm overnight, saw that the Heming-
            THE DAY BEFORE HURRICANE IRMA STRUCK                 way House and all kitties and caretakers made it through un-
            Sunday 9-10-17  As of the 5:00 AM NHC Advisory 44A, it's mov-  scathed after Irma crossed over the Keys.
            ing west of us 9mph now. We'll begin getting storm force winds
            probably noon so be inside before then. The storm should be                   ...continued on page 29...
            past us here in Melbourne/Palm Bay by Monday afternoon de-

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