Page 21 - Horizon October 2017
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                        Monte Farber is, with wife, artist/designer Amy
                        Zerner, author of many best-selling metaphysical
                        self-help books with over 2 million copies in print in
                        14 languages, including Karma Cards, Enchanted Tarot,
            the Psychic Circle and Quantum Affirmations. His two new books are
            Signs & Seasons: an Astrology Cookbook and Instant Tarot.

                   THE POWER OF INTENTION

            The word intention is used in many ways. I use it
            to mean that what we believe strongly to be true
            helps to shape our experience. If we intend to break
            a bad habit or to set a goal to improve our lives, and we
            believe that it is possible, then the paths and opportunities
            to reach our goal will open up. We’ve seen this phenome-
            non again and again. The reverse is also true. If you believe
            that making a change in your life is going to be difficult or
            impossible to do, then it’s more likely that you will experi-
            ence failure.

            Your patterns of negative or positive thoughts shape your
            reality. When you strive to be clear and confident with your
            intention, your goal will manifest much more easily. But   YOGA SHAKTI
            when you are conflicted in your thoughts, you will manifest
            obstacles. What we focus on in our mind’s eye is ultimately
            reflected back to us in our experience of reality.    MISSION
            Whenever you want to set a new goal for yourself, start by
            setting your intention with a clear affirmation and visualiza-                              YOGA
            tion. Take the time to become clear about what you want,
            but then simply declare it. Say to the universe, “Here is my            First Saturday   CLASSES
            goal. Make it so.” Do not think you can tell the universe ex-              at noon          7-8pm
            actly how and when your goal will be achieved; you cannot.               VEGETARIAN
                                                                                                        $7 Per Class or
                                                                                     LUNCHEON         $25/month unlimited
            Where we put our consciousness, we put our life energy.                  $10  donation
            Put your consciousness into your intention and notice the                (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            change that happens when you do.                      Ma Yoga Shakti

                                                                                 Sunshine Lectures
                                                                                  Sundays 9 - 10am
                                                                            Talks on Spiritual T opics

                                                                        YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
                                                                          3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907

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