Page 31 - 1-19-Issue
P. 31
by Esmeralda Raven Aponte COMMUNICATION
Gökotta is a Swedish word
which essentially means “to ... from page 16 ..
rise at dawn in order to go
out and listen to the birds
sing”. My painting is about
how birds and their songs
affect humans. It has long
been speculated that hu-
man music has its origins in In order for communication to occur, both parties need to
bird song. Mankind has been be willing to engage. Let go of any agenda and base all
listening to bird songs long your communications on a solid foundation of uncondi-
before man learned to sing tional love.
and then experimented with
instruments to accompany 3. BE PRESENT
the human voice.
Animals know when you are truly present with them or
Humans make music for aesthetic and practical reasons. Mu- when you're distracted or mentally fragmented. Hu-
sic sounds beautiful to our ears and it can be used to express man beings suffer from a malady described by Buddhists
a wide range of emotions. It acts as a universal language and as ‘monkey mind’ where our thoughts shift from one to
commemorates particular events. another like monkeys swinging from tree to tree. To hone
your ability to be present, try being very present with your
Birds vocalize and communicate among themselves. Bird animal. In essence, you’re anchoring your awareness in the
songs are the earliest and the most primitive form of music here and now. For example, you can be fully present with
and have remained unchanged throughout history as they your horse when out on a ride or when walking your dog
serve well-defined purposes and natural talents are passed or brushing your cat. Practice putting all of your focus on
on from one generation to the next as a key to their survival. that present moment of Be-ing.
For most people, music is an important part of daily life. It is
often linked to mood. A certain song can make us feel happy, 4. BE STILL
sad, relaxed or energetic. Because music can have such an
impact on a person’s mindset and well-being, it is no surprise How still do you feel inside? How much time do you allow
that music can be used as therapy for managing numerous stillness to be part of your routine? Or do you spend much
medical conditions. Types of music differ in the types of neu- of your time feeling agitated? By spending time outside
rological stimulation they evoke. you are able to engage with the essence of nature and this
will help you reconnect with your inner stillness.
Esmeralda Raven Aponte is an Australian born, Sydney based
surreal artist. Her imagery evokes You can notice the formation of clouds, the feel of the
a world of unfolding whimsical breeze through your hair, the warmth of the sun on your
stories through her use of symbol- skin. You can listen to the sound of the waves, the songs of
ism. She brings to light roots in the birds, or notice the smell of lavender. Simply connect
Colombian folk and Latino art. with the different elements of nature surrounding you until
you feel your grounded connection with the earth increase
Esmeralda finds inspiration enough to fill your body with a sense of stillness—with a
through her dreams composed of sense of peace.
fantastical creatures and other-
worldly settings. Her beliefs into I hope these tips help you in your communications with all
the mystical forces greatly influ- animals; animals you know, animals you encounter, animals
ence her paintings and allow her
to explore their blending together in captivity, animals in the wild and animals in-spirit.
with the aspects of life. Her world full of wonderment expresses
different states of experience and exposes the strong relationship To learn more about how to communicate with animals and
between plant, animal and human world. strengthening the bond with your pet see my book, Animal
Communicator's Guide Through Life, Loss and Love.
To see more of Esmeralda Raven Aponte’s art visit her on Or
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