Page 28 - 1-19-Issue
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This month’s thoughts SHAKTI GAWAIN
about things...
“I want to look back on my life and be giddy with
joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
... from page 7 .. ...continued from page 12
What does it mean to trust your intuition? How do you do
The supervisor, "another 9 year old," I snarkily thought, it? It means tuning into your “gut feelings” — your deepest
told me since I wasn't on the account except as a benefi- inner sense of personal truth — in any given situation, and
ciary, they had to charge me $7 to cash the check. I said acting on these feelings, moment by moment. Sometimes
that was fine but that no other teller before today every these “gut messages” may tell you to do something unex-
did since my name appeared "on the account." pected or inconsistent with your previous plans; they may
require that you trust a hunch that seems illogical; you
THEN SHE DID THE BEST THING. SHE TURNED IT AROUND may feel more emotionally vulnerable than you are used
FOR ME by saying, "Yes we've extended several courtesies to feeling; you may express thoughts, feelings, or opinions
in the past and from this point forward we will charge foreign to your usual beliefs; you may follow a dream or
you." She was very diplomatic but firm. THAT is why fantasy, or take some degree of financial risk to do some-
she's a supervisor. thing that feels important to you.
SOME FRIENDS ARE RETURNING TO At first you may fear that trusting your intuition will lead
FUNDAMENTALIST CHURCHES you to do things that seem somewhat hurtful or irrespon-
sible to others. For example, you may hesitate to break
Several friends are undergoing spiritual transformation a date, even though you need time for yourself, because
that is taking them back to traditional Christianity. For you fear hurting your date’s feelings. I’ve found that when
some, it means denouncing all the metaphysical practices I really listen to and trust my inner voice, in the long run,
and beliefs they've been involved in for 20-30 years. For everyone around me benefits as much as I do.
others, they balance the best of both worlds.
People may sometimes be temporarily disappointed, ir-
If you've attracted a bad experience, know that your vibra- ritated, or a bit shaken up as you change your old pat-
tional resonance is your point of attraction. Your vibration- terns of relating to yourself and others. But this is usually
al resonance depends upon what you're paying attention to because as you change, the people around you are auto-
every day and what you THINK ABOUT what you're paying matically pushed to change as well. If you trust, you will
attention to. see that the changes are also for their highest good. (If
you do break that date, your friend may end up having a
A couple of friends who have embraced what some would wonderful time doing something else.) If they don’t want
call a Christian cult are now denouncing as "occult" all the to change, they may move away from you, at least for a
mind body healing they've done for decades. It has to be while; therefore, you must be willing to let go of the forms
a passionate belief as both friends use Reiki and essential of relationship you have with people. If there is a deep
oils in their work as income and now both are forbidden. connection between you, chances are good that you will
be close again in the future. Meanwhile, everyone needs
It means they are doing some serious soul searching. We to grow in his or her own way and time. As you continue to
do that when we're willing to lose $$$ we believe is ill- follow your path, you will increasingly attract people who
earned. It doesn't matter if it's true, it matters that they like you as you are and relate to you in a way that feels
THINK it's true. And even if they don't come to a factual honest, supportive, and appreciative.
conclusion, they are coming to a WELL
THOUGHT OUT conclusion which will serve Shakti Gawain (1948-2018) was a bestselling author and a pioneer
them well when they revisit the topic. in the field of personal growth and consciousness. The 40th An-
niversary edition of her classic work Creative Visualization was
And when one of us becomes more clear recently published by New World Library. For more information
about an idea, it brightens the way for the about her life and work visit
rest of us to find that clarity also. I don't Excerpted from the book Living in the Light – 25th Anniversary
judge which road you choose to take. And Edition ©2011 by Shakti Gawain. Printed with permission of New
World Library, Novato, CA.
I don't care if you DON'T think all roads
lead to the same place. You're a good and
kind person and I love you anyway.
Enjoy our offering this month. Andrea
Hari Om.
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