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                                                                  Leaves                            Essential & Fragrance Oils
                                                                                                       Over 100 Top Quality
                                                                  & Roots                       Herbs & Herb Blends in capsules
                                                                                                     Aromatherapy supplies
                                 ...continued from page 27...                                             Herbal research
                                                                  9476 E.  Colonial Drive                  Herbal extracts
                                                                  Orlando, FL 32817                        Incense, Soaps
                                                                                                              Body Care
            Over the next three months, I began to understand how un-                Email
            healed emotions create disease, and how I had to heal my an-  M-F 10-7
            ger and my fear in order to recover my health. Energy moved,   Sat 10-5  Over 300 herbs & spices in stock
            flowed, met obstacles, and flowed again. Time drifted by like   Sun 12-5
            a sluggish river, and I stepped out of it, knowing I had to make
            friends with eternity.
                                                                 Today, I’m fully recovered. More accurately, I’m beyond re-
            Now Spirit was offering me another lifetime within this one.   covered. I’m a new person. My mind is functioning at a higher
            I was being called to step into a new destiny, without self-  level than it has in decades. My brain is upgraded and so is my
            importance, without the subtle seduction of worldly accom-  heart. And I have a new liver—not a transplant, but my own
            plishment. The externals of my life might not change but my   liver, fully regenerated. I was able to grow a new body.
            attitude had to.
                                                                 The Grow a New Body program I offer in my retreats and in
            I felt liberated. I was free. That night, I dreamed: I am inside   this book can help you heal from the illnesses that are ravaging
            a breathing machine and friends are saying good-bye. I am   civilization today—but it can also do even more. The medi-
            unable to move or speak, but I am in bliss. They turn off life   cine men and women of old were masters of prevention. You
            support. I have to pull myself out of the breathing apparatus   do not have to be gravely ill to root out physical, emotional,
            to come back to life. I realize I can find eternity without dying.  and spiritual suffering and restore balance to your life. Using
            I rip the tube out of my mouth and breathe. I am alive.  the program offered in these pages, you can feel better in a
                                                                 few days and begin to clear your mind and heal your brain in
            I realized that I did not have to die. I could stay and heal   a week. And you will be well on your way to a new body that
            myself so I could help others to heal. Once I made that choice,  heals rapidly and ages gracefully, and a brain that supports you
            I felt my spirit extending roots into my body once again. Awe   in forging a profound connection with Spirit and experiencing a
            and wonder returned as my brain fog began to clear and I ex-  renewed sense of purpose in life.
            perienced Oneness, where life and death flow seamlessly into
            each other and where I reside in infinity.           his excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Grow a New
                                                                 Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health
            My good friend Mark Hyman, who wrote Food: What the Heck   by Alberto Villoldo, published by Hay House (March 12, 2019). It can
            Should I Eat?, helped me put together a nutritional plan for   be found online at Hay House, Amazon, and other major booksellers
            healing my body. Mark and I co-lead seven-day detox programs   worldwide. For more information and to order a copy of book, visit:
            for our clients in exotic locations. His plan for me included
            green juices in the morning and superfoods and supplements
            that detoxify the liver and brain.

                                                   WAT PUNYAWANAR AM

                                             Brevard County’s Learning Center Of The Buddha’s Teaching, Meditation And Thai Culture
                                                        4490 Aurora Road Melbourne 321-255-1465

                                           MONDAY-FRIDAY                         SUNDAYS
                                           6:00 am Chanting, Meditation           6:00 am           Chanting and Meditation
                                           11:00 am Alms and food offering to  Monks                                                                       9:30 am -1 pm   Social time and Thai Lunch
                                           7:00 pm  Evening Chanting and Meditation  12:30 pm            Buddha Talks.
                                                                                 7:00 pm             Evening Chant, Meditation
                                           6:00 am,   Chanting and Meditation         All times are subject to change
                                           7:00 pm  Evening Chanting and Meditation    Call Temple at 321-255-1465

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