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KRYON                              in a way that you can measure with your body’s reaction.
                                                                 Something will happen - perhaps it will be a motion, perhaps
                                                                 it will be a feeling, maybe chills, or something else. Perhaps it
                                                                 will be something that will just ring with correctness for you
                              SPEAKS                             and you will know it’s correct.

                                                                 I have told you before and I'll tell you again: Wisdom without
                                                                 love is nothing but words. Wisdom without the foundation of
                              Spirit had to hit Lee Carroll "between the   compassion is not wisdom. The brain cannot give you wisdom.
                              eyes" to prove his spiritual experience was   It can give you high thinking and the illusion of wisdom. But
                              real. In 1989, the first writings were pre-  it can only give you what I will call "bridled wisdom", wisdom
                              sented and the rest is history - with a total   that is contained in a fence of self-congratulations.
                              of 16 metaphysical books being released in a
            twelve-year span. There are now almost one million Kryon and Indigo   There is a famous story: There are those who wish to open a
            books in print in over 28 languages worldwide. Visit
                                                                 door, so they slam their heads against the door over and over
                                                                 and over. The door, by the way, never opens, but they congrat-
            Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Ser-    ulate themselves for slamming their heads. After a while, they
            vice. It would astonish you to know the length of    stop slamming their heads and proclaim the door has opened,
            time that your soul has been here on the planet in   even though it never did. Some even give their lives to slam
            some form or another. These are the things that hide   their head against the door in an attempt to be part of the
            completely behind a veil of appropriateness. What I mean by   self-congratulations that the door has opened, when it actually
            that is that it doesn't really serve you to constantly be inter-  didn't. After a period of time, they realize the door must be
            rupted by energies of the past. So, esoterically for you, there   opened again, even though it never opened the first time. So
            is always the feeling that, perhaps, this is it - the only life you   they come back and slam their heads against it yet again.
            get. You should know that, on purpose, there is no real proof
            that there is more than this. There is nobody who might come   Every single time they do the head-slamming pseudo-door-
            back and touch you on the shoulder and say, "Look, it’s me! I'm  opening, they congratulate themselves when they're finished,
            still here!" So, dear ones, all that I speak about and all that I   and they even talk about the wisdom that it took to accom-
            am as Kryon and represent as truth is something you trust is   plish the slamming of their heads. This is humanity at its best
            real by having faith and by using spiritual logic and intuition.  in an old energy you grew up within. You know exactly what
                                                                 I am talking about, don’t you? After a period of time they
                     CHANGES IN WISDOM ARE AHEAD                 slam their heads, yet again. Sometimes the door has different
            The Human condition is changing, and what is actually mov-  names. Sometimes the doors are different, but they never ac-
            ing in that change is the Human toolkit of wisdom. Wisdom,   tually open. Even at that, there is somehow the self-delusion
            of all of the things in your purview, is one of the only things   and the cycle of self-congratulations ensues. There is an ac-
            that is tied to almost everything else. It's tied to intuition. It's   knowledgement of wisdom that never occurred because it is in
            tied to your Akash, and it's tied to something new for you. This  a circle of false logic and mythology, it never really gets past
            new attribute is something you will name eventually, but some  the brain’s idea of what it means to have the door open.
            have other names for the feeling that you belong here spiritu-
            ally. It’s a feeling of knowing when things are correct. It’s a   Along comes a person with the key for the door and opens it
            knowingness inside you that will involuntarily nod in agree-  easily. Door authorities are shocked, and they quickly take
            ment when you hear the wisdom of the ages and can sense   that person and tell him never to come back. It’s because they
            that it’s accurate.                                  know that now they are dealing with the devil or the occult -
                                                                 for the one with the key had solutions that were outside of the
            This is something new that some of you are going to experi-  reality of anything a Human was supposed to be able to do.
            ence soon. You'll begin to have an evolution of the "intuitive-  Therefore, they slam the door shut and continue to beat their
            ness of truth". Things will begin to ring with the purity of truth  heads against it to try and open it their way. After all, head-
                                                                 slamming is now a respected way of working with the door.

                                                                 The wisdom of the ages comes from a dysfunctional mindset
                                                                 that believes it is wise when it isn't and congratulates itself for
                                                                 things that it made up or perceived in ignorance as truth. We
                                                                 have given you a saying: "A fool does not know they're a fool."
                                                                 So the head-slamming door openers have the same attribute.
                                                                 They can be ultra-foolish and never see it or know it. They
                        Kryon, as channeled by Lee Carroll       will walk and talk in foolish ways and never realize it. Others,
                 Lee is the author of the Kryon Series of 18 books in 25 languages  however, are starting to see it immediately. The Human race
                                                                 does not know it is dysfunctional. It is just now climbing out
                 Saturday - Sunday - Monday     January 19-20-21, 2019  of this self-proclamation of what it believes wisdom is. But
                    Radisson Suites Hotel Oceanfront    Melbourne, FL
                           The Lemurian Teaching Wheel           indeed, it's starting to climb out of the fool’s shell that it has
                  321-831-2045            been within.

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