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GROW A NEW BODY                                               YOGA:

                                                                                        A Natural
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                                                                                      Pathway To


            My body was a road map of the jungles and mountains     Ma Yoga Shakti is a beloved teacher with ashrams in India and US,
            where I had worked as an anthropologist, picking up the   instrumental in the spread of Yoga in the US. Yogashakti Mission,
            lethal critters that had taken up residence inside me.   3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay FL 32907 321-725-
            The jungle is a living biology laboratory, and if you spend   4024 and email Yoga is a spiritual
                                                                    approach concerned with the fundamental mental aspect of every
            enough time there, you become part of the experiment. I   human life. The word Yoga is derived from the sanskrit word “Yuj”
            knew anthropologists who had died of the parasites I now   to unite. It means union,  The union of the Individual Soul the
            harbored.                                               Supreme Soul is known as Yoga.

            The spiritual medicine I received from the shamans when   NEW LEVELS BRING NEW DEVILS
            I was in the Amazon was powerful, but I had to comple-
            ment it with Western science. The doctors put me on a    Every time your world changes and you reach a new lev-
            worm medication— the same type I give my dogs—and on     el, it presents you with new “devils” to contend with.
            antibiotics to kill other parasites. My brain was on fire with   But whenever you’re presented with new challenges, you
            inflammatory agents produced by the medications and the   are also in the same moment presented with guidance to
            dead and dying parasites. I would have to detox my brain   overcome them. So consider that whenever you’re ob-
            to avoid going completely mad.
                                                                     serving what you think is a “devil,” is simply an angel
                                                                     taking you to a new level.
            My brain fog and confusion were glaringly evident when I
            tried to play Scrabble with Marcela. That game became
            the barometer of my mental health. I could not access
            words. And then I started losing my sense of self. I pan-
            icked: What if I forget who I am? What if I lose my aware-
            ness of self? Madness stared at me from the horizon—I saw   YOGA SHAKTI
            it, felt it, breathed it. It sent naked fear into every part of
            my being.                                             MISSION
            Ironically, it was fear of losing myself that saved me: over
            the next three months, I simply observed the madness I
            was experiencing. The Buddhists have a powerful practice                                    YOGA
            of self-inquiry that starts with asking, Who am I? Then,                First Saturday   CLASSES
            after a while, you begin to inquire, Who is it who is ask-
            ing the question? So I began to ask, Who is it who’s going                 at noon         7-8pm
            mad?                                                                    VEGETARIAN          $7 Per Class or
                                                                                     $10  donation   $25/month unlimited
            There was no place to hide. I saw the madness; others saw                (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            it. But, as always, there was another side to the pain. The
            fathomless depths to which my spirit sank were matched   Ma Yoga Shakti
            by the flight of my soul. I began to understand who I had
            been since the beginning of time and who I would be after            Sunshine Lectures
            I died. The gnawing fear was matched by divine love and a             Sundays 9 - 10am
            dawning experience of Oneness I had never felt before.           Talks on Spiritual T opics

            I called my friend David Perlmutter, a neurologist who was
            the co-author of my book Power Up Your Brain. Together      YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            we crafted a strategy using potent antioxidants and ex-       3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            treme ketosis (where the body uses fats instead of sugars
            as fuel) to trigger the production of neural stem cells to
            repair my brain.                                                    321-725-4024
                              ...continued on page 29...

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