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To welcome                                             2401 N. Harbor City Blvd
                               all people                                                       Melbourne, FL 32935
                                  and                                                          321.254.0313
                              our oneness                                               SUNDAY Services
                                with God                                                9:30 and 11:00am
                                  Rev.                                                    Sunday school at 11:00am
                                Beth Head                                                  Child care both services
                              welcomes you      A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

            Sunday, September 2nd 12:30pm
            SOUND ALCHEMY & YOUR DIVINE BLUE-              Sunday, September 9th 12:30pm NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION
            PRINT with Joshua Inacio                       Facilitator: Paulette Mason If you are interested in membership with
            Joshua is an accomplished sound and vibrational   Unity of Melbourne or just want to know more about Unity and our congrega-
                            healer from England.  The ses-  tion, this class is for you. Come and bring your curiosity and questions.
                            sion begins with sound clearing
                            with the gong and didgeridoo to                    Monday September 10th 7:00pm
                            remove the static and blockages                    SOUND HEALING Facilitators: Vashti
                            from our energy field.  He will                    Saint Germain and James Trufan
                            then connect us with our individ-                  Time for Heaven on Earth.  Lay back and journey
                            ual divine blueprints with angelic                 with the hypnotic sounds of Sacred Grandmother
                            tones and energetic frequencies.                   Drum (Rainbow Warrior) and the vibrations of a
                            Exchange: $30  Joshua will be                      Paiste Symphonic Gong.  Between Father Sky
                            available for individual sessions                  and Mother Earth, you will be transported to a new
                            later Sunday and on Monday.                        realm of inner peace.
            Wednesdays, September 5th thru October                             Thursday, September 13th 1:00-6:00pm
            3rd 9:55-11:45am COMPASSIONATE FOR-                                WORLD DAY OF PRAYER with Unity of
            GIVENESS  Facilitator: Dorothy Zeviar                              Melbourne Chaplains and Rev. Lulu Logan
            This highly interactive and experiential conversation              Unity of Melbourne’s chaplains will be holding sa-
            about the steps of forgiveness can benefit you for the             cred space for you to come in for a time for silence
            rest of your life.  We can use the process to create true   between 1-6pm.  We will be holding the affirmation “I am a healing presence.”
            freedom – letting go of baggage that no longer serves
            us, and affirming our true selves as Children of God, as   Thursday, September 13th 6:30pm
            Universal Lights make in God’s image and likeness.  WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – THE COURAGE TO HEAL
                                                           Facilitator: Rev. Lulu Logan
            Sundays, September 9th – October 7th           and Unity of Melbourne Chap-
            9:30 and 11am BRAVING THE WILDERNESS           lains
            Sunday lessons: Rev. Beth or Rev. Val          Join us for an evening of music, mes-
            On Sundays we will be talking about Brene Brown’s   sage and meditation as we celebrate
            bestselling book, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest   Unity’s World Day of Prayer.
            for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.
            We will be exploring Dr. Maya Angelou’s statement   Thursday September 27th
            “You are only free when you realize you belong no   through October 25th 9:30-
            place – you belong every place – no place at all.  The   11:30am OVERVIEW: HEBREW
            price is high. The reward is great.”           SCRIPTURES with Paul Esche
                                                           Come to this class to learn the stories
            Various times BOOK STUDY GROUP: BRAV-          of the Old Testament – who wrote
            ING THE WILDERNESS  Sign up to discuss Brene   them and how they were written. Paul
            Brown’s bestselling book, Braving the Wilderness: The   will also be teaching this class at Unity
            Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand   of Vero Beach on Thursday evenings
            Alone.  We will talk about what we can do to truly   from 6:30-8:30pm.
            belong to our self – to know and speak our truth – while
            staying in relationship with those who have a different
            truth.                                               Join Unity of Melbourne in using this affirmation
                                                                 as we enter the search process for our next minister:
                   ONGOING EVENTS
                                                                We see all those involved in the selection process of our next
             First Sunday of the Month - Reiki Healing Service   minister as being filled with the spirit of divine love and wisdom,
                      after both Sunday Service               guided and directed towards the employment of the right minis-
              Noon Prayer Service Tuesdays and Thursdays          ter for the highest good of this ministry.  And so it is.
                 Tuesdays – Course In Miracles 7:00pm                            Thank you God.
               Wednesdays – Melbourne LGBT AA 6:30pm
                Join us in a Journey of Spiritual Discovery
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