Page 9 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 9
lotsa of hicks articles here see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
AbrahamHicks trascriptions here
also here on FB
ABRAHAM-HICKS Rev. Andy Conyer
Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers, UNITY LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTRE 863-471-1122
speaking their broader perspective through
Esther Hicks. Author of Ask & It Is Given, 10417 S. Orange Blossom Blvd, Sebring, FL 33875
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The Email
Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,
Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
Seek Joy First and Foremost. Seek reasons to offer words of
praise to yourself and others. Seek beauty in Nature. Seek rea- 954-698-6926 (Coconut Creek 33073)
sons to love in every segment of every day. Look for something Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice
that brings forth within you a feeling of love. Seek that which
uplifts you. Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts an-
other. Seek a feeling of Well-Being. Know that your value can
only be measured in terms of Joy. Acknowledge your absolute
freedom to do any of these things.. or not do any...of these CLASSES FORMING
things... for it is without exception your choice - in every mo- Reiki 1 & 2, July
ment of every day. Sacred Geometry 1, August
Adept 1 Initiation, September
321-543-8882 Duncan Bowen, PhD.
Your work is not to MAKE it happen. Your work is to LET it hap-
pen. And you let it happen by possibility thinking, not negative
thinking, by hopeful thinking; not doubtful thinking. By believ-
ing it will come rather than doubting it will come. By talking
yourself into feeling good. By acknowledging the well-being.
By reading the fairy tales. By not listening to people who don't
have what they want, but listening to the people who do have
what they want. Go up to every couple who obviously are liv-
ing happily ever after and say, "Tell me your story of how you
came together." And listen to the incredible tales they will tell
you of how the Universe arranged their rendezvous. And it will
make you begin believing in the possibility of rendezvous as
they tell you the variety of things... All you have to do is say,
"I'm ready!" 1951 Stimson St. ROCK SHOP,
Jacksonville, FL 32210 CANDLES,
It’s so nice when you fall in love, and you have this person that INCENSE,
you're focused upon for a little while in positive ways before (904) 389-3690 BOOKS, TAROT,
you get to know each other, and in that exhilaration all kinds MORE
of things start lining up for you because you have an object of Open Wed - Sunday 10am - 6pm Closed Monday & Tuesday
attention that is sort of holding you in the Receptive Mode.
We just want to say to you that you have the ability to put
yourself in the Receptive Mode, and you have the ability to even better. So you rendezvous more frequently with more of
milk it and stay there longer, until before long you've flipped the things that you do want. And then, of course, it gets easier
your vibrational mix and you’re more ready for more things. and easier. It's not difficult if you're living a lovely life to focus
upon the loveliness of your life. But you know, there are some
And that's why you look at someone who is on one of those people who are living really lovely lives in one aspect, and
tracks and you say you are so lucky. And often from your not they still complain about the stuff in another aspect. And be-
tuned in perspective, you assign reasons for the success - "Oh, fore long, the loveliness just sort of dwindles away. They don't
you inherited it" or "Oh, you were just lucky" - you don't let sustain it very long because you cannot focus in opposition to
yourself explain to yourself the real reason. And this is the who you are and get what you're wanting.
real reason: You've found some way to be in a receptive mode
where you have particularly good timing, and as you started
noticing that you had particularly good timing, your timing got ...continued on page 28...
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