Page 14 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 14
FROM THE HEART The great inventor Thomas Edison used this principle when
he needed help with an invention. When Edison felt stymied
in the midst of a difficult experiment, he would lie down on
Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspira- a couch with a rock in his hand. As he dozed off into a light
tional books, including the forthcoming The Tao sleep, he sank into his subconscious mind, which he recognized
Made Easy. Join Alan in Hawaii this December for to be an avenue of infinite intelligence, from which all of his
his life-changing seminar Transformer Training to
develop your skills and/or career as a teacher, best ideas came. Then, as his body relaxed, Edison would let
healer, or leader. For more information about loose of his hold on the rock, which would drop to the floor
this program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily with a loud "thud!" that would startle him out of his nap.
inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly
radio show, visit At that moment Edison still had fresh in mind the idea he had
contacted in his sleep state, and he would quickly write it
YOU ALREADY KNOW down. That was Edison's secret. He went on to generate over
5,000 important patents, including the electric light, the pho-
An ancient myth tells that when human beings were about nograph, the alkaline battery, and motion pictures.
to be created, a committee of gods got together to decide
where the secret of life should be placed. All the gods were When I studied organizational development in graduate school,
in agreement that the secret should be hidden somewhere my professor wrote a sentence on the blackboard that ulti-
clever, so that people would have an adventure to find it. But mately meant more to me than all the techniques I learned.
the gods had a hard time agreeing where it would be most It said: A consultant is someone who borrows your watch to
challenging for people to locate the treasure. tell you what time it is.
"Let's hide the secret of life at the top of the highest moun- The greatest service any therapist, teacher, psychic, astrolo-
tain!" one god suggested. ger, or counselor can offer you is to remind you of what you
already know. You have probably sought help or advice from
"No, no," replied another. "People will invent airplanes and several people or resources, and still felt unfulfilled. Then
helicopters and rappelling equipment, and then everyone will someone said something that really resonated within you, and
be able to get to it." you said, "That's it!" How did you know that was it? Why did
that one piece of advice move you more than the others? You
"Then how about at the bottom of the sea?" another god already knew, and you were just waiting for someone out there
posed. to call your attention to the answer that matched your inner
"Same thing," another deity answered. "They will invent sub-
marines and diving equipment, and that will be the end of the Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of the perennially popu-
game." lar book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was sitting on an
airplane next to a young woman who struck up a conversation
The gods sat around, hands on chin, nearly stumped, until one with him. When she discovered that Dr. Peale was a man of
god lit up. "I have it!" he exclaimed. "Let's hide the answer seasoned wisdom, she decided to ask him for help with a di-
within each person - they'll never think to look there!" lemma. "I have been dating two men and both of them have
proposed to me," she explained to Dr. Peale. "I'm not sure
And so it has turned out. When we need to know a truth, we which one to say 'yes' to. Can you give me some advice?'
tend to look outside ourselves for answers, and the last place
we look is in our own heart. Meanwhile, all that we could ever "Sure," Dr. Peale answered abruptly. "I don't think you should
need to know abides at the core of our being. marry either of them."
"Why is that?" asked the young lady, surprised.
"If you have to ask me who to marry, you're not in love
Psychic Medium with either of them," he answered.
Clairvoyant When something is really right for you, you know it. And when
something is not right for you, you know it. Your job is not to
• Honest • Caring • Accurate • find someone else to dictate your truth, but to get in touch
with your inner guidance. Trust your intuitions and gut feel-
Spiritual Astrology ings. Your inner being is always speaking to you through the
1-323-466-3684 voice of your heart. Honor what your heart is telling you, and you befriend an impeccable guide that will take you all the
way home.
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